This page is the starting point for developers looking to contribute to and/or modify Daffodil.
In the side bar on the left you should see a variety of child pages for various developer topics.
A few smaller topics are covered directly here.
Project Governance
The Daffodil project follows the Apache Way. All contributors need to read and understand this, and the guidance provided on these pages:
- Consensus Building for Apache projects
- Lazy Consensus for Apache projects
- Bylaws for Apache projects
About Security
All contributors need to take software security very seriously. Security flaws need to be reported carefully. Guidance is available from:
Microsoft Windows Users
Daffodil depends on Unicode support. Some MS-Windows versions do not come with Unicode support by default. Daffodil has tests that make use of Japanese Kanji characters, so requires the Japanese Language Pack be installed.
Test Coverage and Code Analysis Reporting
Each commit to the daffodil repository automatically runs tests and code analysis.
The test coverage analysis report is available here:
The code analyzer analysis report is available here:
These workflows are setup/defined here: