Checklist for adding a new JDK for Derby Code, Tests and Build
This page collects a list of changes that may be needed when adding a new JDK version, e.g. java 8 or a new vendor or platform. This is a work in progress and is not at this time complete. Of course additional changes will be required to use new functionality, but this is a working list of just what is required to get all the versions reporting correctly and tests to pass. Changes are broken into three categories, derby code, derby tests, derby docs and derby build.
Derby Code
Below are the changes are needed with a major version upgrade. Typically there are not changes needed in the Derby code for a new vendor, but of course only the tests will tell.
- Change JVMInfo to add in the new version. This will be used for JMX information and also internal version based decisions. Example change DERBY-5948
Derby Test
Below are the changes needed for running Derby tests with a new JDK version or vendor:
- For the old harness a support file for the specific vendor and version is required. For Oracle jdk's these have the prefix jdk followed by the major and minor version, e.g. jdk18. For IBM the prefix is ibm, e.g. ibm18. Example change: DERBY-5898
- For branches 10.8 and older, change to show the correct JRE and JDBC version. Example change DERBY-5982. Note this is not required for 10.9 and later.
Derby Docs
As support for a new JDK is adopted, the user docs need adjusting.
- <Please complete?
Derby Build
Below are the changes needed to build with a new JDK version or vendor:
- Changes to PropertySetter? Please complete.