Release checklist
- Review:
- Make sure your pom is in a SNAPSHOT version
- Test that your environment and settings: mvn clean install -Papache-release
- Do a dry run: mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true
- You may need to specify a different tag directory
- Inspect pom.xml.tag. This is the release pom.
- If you need to start over, run: mvn release:clean clean
- Publish the snapshot: mvn deploy
- Clean the release: mvn release:clean clean
- Prepare the release: mvn release:prepare
- Note that this step commits the tag and updates pom versions
- Stage the release: mvn release:perform
- Login to: (Sonatype), find the release and close it
- If there are errors closing the release, you are not configured correctly, restart
Start a [VOTE] thread, include links to the release artifacts, the tag, JIRA issues, and README.
- If the vote fails, drop the release in Sonatype and start over
If the vote passes, update the thread with a [RESULT] reply
- Release the repo in Sonatype
- svn checkout and checkin the release artifact
- Remove the previous release if it exists
- Update the website with the new maven and dist urls