Since we are using Nexus for releases the release process is as follows (see also

1. Prepare the Project

$ mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true

2. Deploy a Snapshot

$ mvn deploy

This is useful to verify your settings in ~/.m2/settings.xml (Nexus password and GPG key)

3. Prepare the Release

$ mvn release:clean
$ mvn release:prepare

This creates a tag here:

4. Stage the Release

$ mvn release:perform

This deploys the release to a staging repository. Go to and close the staging repository.

6. Deploy the Site

$ cd target/checkout
$ mvn site-deploy

This creates and deploys the site via ssh to

5. Inform dev list
For internal projects we use a simplified release process Inform the dev list to publish (release) the Skins project. After a 4 hr grace period the Skins project can be released, therefor go to and release the staging repository.

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