This section gives an overview of the LDAP operational model

How LDAP works

In principle the LDAP protocol follows a request/reply scenario between client and server. Unlike HTTP this not necessarily takes place synchronously in a ping-pong exchange. A client may also execute several requests by a server within a session simultaneously. The client supplies a MessageID with each request. The server uses this ID within the corresponding reply. This allows the client to match requests and replies.

All LDAP operations

The operational model of LDAP v3 is comprised of the the following 10 operations.

LDAP Operation

Short description

Bind Operation

exchange authentication information between client and server

Unbind Operation

terminate a protocol session

Search Operation

perform a search by the server

Modify Operation

modify attributes of an entry

Add Operation

add an entry into the directory

Delete Operation

remove an entry from the directory

Modify DN Operation

change the leftmost component of the name of an entry, or move a subtree of entries to a new location

Compare Operation

compare an assertion provided with an entry in the directory

Abandon Operation

abandon an outstanding operation

Extended Operation

perform an additional operation, defined in RFCs or be private to particular implementations


  • RFC 2251 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3)
  • No labels