Maven Directory Plugin

Currently the primary function of the plugin is to generate server class files for OpenLDAP schemas. These class files contain hard coded schema objects representing those found in the OpenLDAP files. Why bother you may ask? There are a few reasons for this:

  1. Compiled hard coded files load into the server really fast in theory.
  2. Published schemas never really change so why do they need to be in a human readable form?
  3. Eventually, schema changes made through LDAP will be preserved through restarts.
  4. Extra code generation phase is not that hard with a plugin tool.
  5. Schema verification can occur before deploying schemas into the server.
  6. This was really easy for now but if people don't like it we can change it.






Default value is target/schema



Default value is uid=admin,ou=system.



Default value is src/schema.



Default value is org.apache.ldap.server.schema.bootstrap.





Generates class files for OpenLDAP schemas.


Finds the required parameters needed for the goals of the plugin.


Creates source output directories used to deposite schema files that are generated.


Top level schema generating function that uses other goals to coordinate generation.

Take a look at how we integrate this into the directory server build here.

How to Integrate Plugin Into Your Own Projects

You want to use the plugin to generate classes for your own schema. Here's a step wise process you can follow to do that using maven:

  1. Place your schema files (i.e. foo.schema) with the schema extension into ${basedir}/src/main/schema. If you opt to store it in another location you must override the maven.ldap.server.schema.dir property in your file. For each schema file add the file base name to the maven.ldap.server.schemas property which is a space separated list.
  2. The plugin will by default generate java files within the ${basedir}/target/schema directory. If you would like to generate code elsewhere you must override the property in your file.
  3. By default the plugin generates code in a server schema package: org.apache.ldap.server.schema.bootstrap. If you want generated code for a schema to be put into a package other than this, then you're going to need to set the package property for the schema. The package property key is composed of the following base, maven.ldap.server.schema.package. with the name of the schema (without the extension) appended to it. So for schema file foo.schema the following property key would be used: where foo is the schema name.
  4. Using the same pattern above for all schema specific properties you can set other per schema properties as well. One of these properties is the dependency list for a schema. Schemas can obviously depend on others. The schema dependency list is a comma separated list of other schema names. These schemas need not be present in your project to generate the code for your schema. The dependent schema classes must however be present within the server at start up time in order to load and use your schema. At the end we list the default schemas already packaged into the server's jar. You can use any one of these schemas as dependencies needed by your schema and not worry about their presence. The property key base for the schema dependency list is maven.ldap.server.schema.deps. and for a foo.schema file the full key would be
  5. Each schema has an owner associated with it. If you want the owner to be anything other than the server's super user you may want to set the owner property for the schema in your file. The property key base for the schema is maven.ldap.server.schema.owner. so don't forget to append the schema name to it.

Once setup you can invoke maven to generate the schema sources like so:

[akarasulu@newton dib]$ maven directory:schema
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0.2

Attempting to download ldap-common-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Attempting to download apacheds-shared-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Attempting to download apacheds-protocol-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Attempting to download snickers-codec-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Attempting to download ldap-snickers-provider-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Attempting to download snickers-ber-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Attempting to download seda-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Attempting to download maven-directory-plugin-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Attempting to download ldap-common-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Attempting to download apacheds-shared-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.



    [echo] Generated schema producer classes for autofs.schema
    [echo] Generated schema producer classes for core.schema
    [echo] Generated schema producer classes for cosine.schema
    [echo] Generated schema producer classes for corba.schema
    [echo] Generated schema producer classes for eve.schema
    [echo] Generated schema producer classes for inetorgperson.schema
    [echo] Generated schema producer classes for java.schema
    [echo] Generated schema producer classes for krb5kdc.schema
    [echo] Generated schema producer classes for nis.schema
    [echo] Generated schema producer classes for system.schema
    [echo] Generated schema producer classes for scheduleworld.schema
    [touch] Creating /home/akarasulu/projects/directory/server/trunk/core/target/schema/.flagfile
Total time: 28 seconds
Finished at: Tue Dec 14 15:26:26 EST 2004

The example above is from the server's core project. If you would like to look at how to use this plugin best the server core file here is perhaps the best place to look. Also from the output above you can see the schema files that are used and packaged into the server by default. This may however change in the future to restrict the set.

WARNING: As a last bit of advice make note that the plugin may be sensitive to case for keywords in the OpenLDAP file. For example the prefix before an objectClass or an attributeType must be in all lowercase. However words like MUST, and MAY and SUP should all be in uppercase. So if plugin bombs just check out where this happens and play with the case. Another thing to watch out for is the order of terms. This we follow the RFC for which is pretty much the same as the OpenLDAP format minus the objectclass and attributetype prefixes to the descriptions. We figure the OpenLDAP parser is less complex if the prefixes are there (where the parser is told if the description is an objectclass or attributetype and does not have to figure this out). However I have encountered schemas whose formats do not comply with standards in with respect to the order of description fields and had to edit the files. This issue did not occur when the files were from the OpenLDAP Foundation which means they do it right but overlook schema objects that are not correctly formated.

Functionality for the Future

  • Compile triggers and install them into the server.
  • Compile and load stored procedures.
  • Test stored procedures and triggers.
  • Generate JNDI Object and State factories from schemas.
  • No labels