
Partitions are entry stores assigned to a naming context. The idea behind a partition is that it stores a subset of the Directory Information Base (DIB). Partitions can be implemented in any way so long as they adhere to interfaces.


Presently the server has a single partition implementation. This implementation is used for both the system partition and user partitions. It uses JDBM as the underlying B+Tree implementation for storing entries.

Other implementations are possible like in memory based partitions either BTree based or based on something like Prevayler.

Partitions have simple interfaces that can be used to align any data source to the LDAP data model thereby accessing it via JNDI or via LDAP over the wire. This makes the server very flexible as a bridge to standardize access to disparate data sources and formats. Dynamic mapping based backends are also interesting.

System Partitions

The system partition is a very special partition that is hardcoded to hang off of the ou=system naming context. It is always present and contains administrative and operational informations needed by the server to operate. Hence its name.

The server's subsystems will use this partition to store informations critical to its operation.

Root Nexus

Several partitions can be assigned to different naming contexts within the server so long as their names do not overlap such that one partition's naming context is contained within another's. The root nexus is a fake partition that does not really store entries. It maps other entry storing partitions to naming contexts and routes backing store calls to the partition containing the entry associated with the operation.

User Partitions

User partitions are partitions added by users. When you download and start using the server you may want to create a separate partition to store the entries of your application. To us user (sometimes also referred to as application) partitions are those that are not the system partition! In the following section we describe how a user partition can be created in the server.

Adding User Partitions

Adding new application partitions to the server is a matter of adding DirectoryPartitionConfiguration objects to the StartupConfigration added to the JNDI environment. These properties are used in both standalone and in embedded configurations. You'll see how to configure partitions by example using xml configuration files with the standalone application and programatically for embedding.

Until this section is filled with more specific examples just geared towards the configuration of partitions please see Configuration.


Things we'd like to do with the existing partitioning scheme and beyond.

Partition Nesting

Today we have some limitations to the way we can partition the DIB. Namely we can't have a partition within a partition and sometimes this makes sense. Eventually we intend to enable this kind of functionality using a special type of nexus which is both a router and a backing store for entries. It's smart enough to know what to route verses when to use its own database. Here's a JIRA improvement specifically aimed at achieving this goal.

Partition Implementations

Obviously we want as many different kinds of partitions as possible. Some really cool ideas have floated around out there for a while. Here's a list of theoretically possible partition types that might be useful or just cool:

  • Partitions that use JDBC to store entries. These would probably be way too slow. However they might be useful if some mapping were to be used to represent an existing application's database schema as an LDAP DIT. This would allow us to expose any database data via LDAP. Great for virtualization.
  • Partitions using other LDAP servers to store their entries. Why do this when introducing latency? Perhaps you want to proxy other servers or make other servers behave like the personality of another server all together.
  • A partition that serves out the Windows registry via LDAP. A standard mechanism to map the Windows registry to an LDAP DIT is pretty simple. This would be a neat way to expose client machine registry management.
  • A partition based on an in-memory BTree implementation. This would be fast and really cool for storing things like schema info. It would also be cool for staging data between memory and disk.
  • A partition based on Prevayler. This is like an in-memory partition but you can save it at the end of the day. This might be really useful especially for things the system partition which almost always need to be in memory. The system partition can do this by using really large caches equal to the number of entries in the system partition.

Partitioning Entries Under a Single Context

Other aspirations include entry partitioning within a container context. Imagine having 250 million entries under 'ou=citizens,dc=census,dc=gov'. You don't want all 250 million in one partition but would like to subpartition these entries under the same context based on some attribute. Basically we will be using the attribute's value to implement subpartitioning where within a single context we are partitioning entries. The value is used to hash entries across buckets (the buckets are other partitions). Yes, this is a bit on the heavy duty end but it would be useful in several situations.

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