
Current state[One of "Under Discussion", "Accepted", "Rejected"]

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Released: <Doris Version>

Google Doc: <If the design in question is unclear or needs to be discussed and reviewed, a Google Doc can be used first to facilitate comments from others.>


  1. Support for tracing. Telemetry data traces, metrics, and logs are often known as the three pillars of observability. Currently, Doris lacks traces telemetry data collection, which makes it difficult to locate slow queries and troubleshoot system bottlenecks. With OpenTelemetry, traces data can be collected to effectively monitor the process of request execution and greatly improve system observability.
  2. Export profile information as traces.  The current query profile output text format, query each stage of the time consuming display is not intuitive, and not persistent. Tagging the profile to the trace allows the trace to override the profile and facilitates analysis of slow queries.
  3. Associate traces, metrics and logs. The telemetry data currently collected by Doris is not correlated with each other, and it is impossible to quickly locate one kind of telemetry data to another. By introducing OpenTelemetry, traces, metrics, logs can be correlated. For example, we can inject trace_id and span_id into metrics through exemplars to correlate traces and metrics, and inject trace_id and span_id into logs to correlate traces and logs, so as to quickly locate all telemetry data of the problem.

Related Research

1. Telemetry

Telemetry refers to data emitted from a system, about its behavior. The data can come in the form of Traces, Metrics, and Logs.

  • logs  

    Discrete events actively recorded by users, the recorded information is generally unstructured text content, which can provide more detailed clues when users analyze and judge problems.

  • Metrics 

    The collected data with aggregated attributes is designed to show users the running status of a certain indicator in a certain period of time, so as to view some indicators and trends.

  • Traces 

    Record the entire life cycle of a request call Process, which includes information such as service invocation and processing time.

    a . Trace refers to the call links of all services that an external request passes through. It can be understood as a tree structure composed of service calls, and each link is identified by a globally unique ID.

    b. Span refers to a call within a service or between services, that is, a node in the Trace tree, and there is a parent-child relationship between Span nodes. Span mainly includes Span name, Span ID, parent span ID, Timestamp, Duration and other information.

2. OpenTelemetry architecture

  • Application: General applications, such as doris' fe and be.
  • OTel Library: Also known as SDK, it is responsible for collecting and exporting telemetry data in the program.
  • OTel Collector: The OpenTelemetry Collector offers a vendor-agnostic implementation of how to receive, process and export telemetry data. It removes the need to run, operate, and maintain multiple agents/collectors. This works with improved scalability and supports open-source observability data formats (e.g. Jaeger, Prometheus, Fluent Bit, etc.) sending to one or more open-source or commercial back-ends.
  • Backends:  Responsible for persisting and presenting telemetry data, and providing the ability to analyze telemetry data. such as zipkin, prometheus, etc.

3. What traces can do

  • Slow Query Location
    trace and span record the query time consumption, through trace you can count the longest time consuming queries over a period of time.
  • Performance bottleneck analysis
    span records the time consumption of the network between fe and be nodes and the time consumption of each execution node of be, and the time consumption of each span in a batch of queries can be counted to analyze the performance bottlenecks.
  • Quickly locate query failures
    Combine trace with log and metric, and quickly locate the relevant log and metric information by trace_id and span_id.

4. traces storage

opentelemetry is responsible for the collection, processing and export of telemetry data, and Back-end is responsible for the presentation and storage of telemetry data. traces-related Back-end such as zipkin supports storage components: memory, Elasticsearch, MySQL, etc., and even doris can be used as its storage component.
This means that if trace data is stored in doris, that is, it allows users to have some trace analysis capability without deploying collector and back-end, and also to get full trace analysis processing capability after deploying collector and back-end.

The following diagram shows the export and storage process of trace, with arrows indicating the direction of trace data flow. trace can be collected and stored directly by doris, or by exporting trace to collector for processing and then storing it in doris, and back-end pulling data directly from doris.

│                          │
│  doris                   │
│                          │
│  ┌───────────────────┐   │           ┌───────────────────┐
│  │                   │   │           │                   │
│  │                   │   │           │                   │
│  │ trace collection  ├───┼───────────►  otel collector   │
│  │                   │   │           │                   │
│  │                   │   │           │                   │
│  └─────┬─────────────┘   │           └─────────┬─────────┘
│        │                 │                     │
│        │      ┌──────────┼─────────────────────┘
│        │      │          │
│        │      │          │
│  ┌─────▼──────▼──────┐   │           ┌───────────────────┐
│  │                   │   │           │                   │
│  │                   │   │           │                   │
│  │ trace storage     ├───┼───────────►    back-end       │
│  │                   │   │           │                   │
│  │                   │   │           │                   │
│  └───────────────────┘   │           └───────────────────┘
│                          │
│                          │

Detailed Design

Query trace collection and export:

1-creating trace

trace is only created by fe, and when fe receives a sql request, it creates the root span and initializes the traceId in the processOnce method of the ConnectProcessor class. if fe does not have tracing enabled, be does not create traces either.

2-collecting span of fe

3-propagating trace between fe and be

When fe launches an rpc to be, it creates a span of type client and injects the context of the span into the rpc. be parses the span context after receiving the rpc and creates a span of type server with the span as the parent span. trace propagation across processes is done in this way. By comparing the time of these two spans, we can get the network time consumed by the rpc call.

4-collecting span of be

be creates span when receiving the rpc, executing the fragment, and buries the collection of span in the open, get_next, and close methods of all ExecNode. Since the get_next method of each ExecNode is called multiple times, to create too many unnecessary spans, the get_next method of the same ExecNode only creates a get_next_span the first time it is called, and ends the get_next_span after the last call. A span is also created in the scanner thread started by ScanNode to record the duration of the scan thread. In addition, much of the counter information in the profile is added to the span in the form of Attribute.

5-exporting span

Exporting span is divided into 3 stages:
  a. Support exporting span to back-end directly, such as zipkin.
  b. Introduce otel collector, support exporting span to otel collector.
  c. Support exporting span to doris.

Load trace collection and export:


Query trace

  1. Support trace and basic span collection and export:
  2. Support to export span to otel collector, support to filter and process span through otel collector, and support to export span to multiple back-end:
  3. Support span to record query profile related counter information:
  4. Support exporting span to doris:

Load trace

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