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Tushar shah
I am working on Apache Eagle, Proof Of Concept. I downloaded the Eagle Version 0.5.0 on my HDP 2.6 test cluster. I am able to finally build the source code(via mvn clean install -DskipTests) and run the Eagle using ./bin/ start . However the Eagle GUI does not come up at loalhost:9090 It say "Laoding .." forever. Can any one provide a hint about how to debug further. My Ambari GUI for the cluster at localhost:8080 is running fine with all needes services ( HDFS, STORM, KAFka..).
Tushar shah
I am working on Apache Eagle, Proof Of Concept, As reported on Feb 12 to '' and feb21 below, I downloaded Apache Eagle 0.5 on working Hadopp cluster 2.5. Apache Eagle GUI shows GUI but it does not come up In case of HWX 3.0 Sandbox th Eagle runs but at GUI at 127.0.01:9090 it does not connect ( runs HWS with Ambari fine). So fare there is no support for HWX 0.5. SO few questions
1) Has anyone tired Eagle outside eBay ( and my be DataGuise ) ? Do not see much activity from users or other online resources lke stackoverflow, Horton Community orks or even at since Eagle launched on project on January 10, 2017. I do not see press articles etc. I also see no activity at Tweeter, meetups in NYC tri-state area related eagle. Eagle is not part of the Hortonworks roadmap of 2019.
2) Eagle 0.5 at Sandbox: I also tried Eagle through Hortonworks sandbox (,). Eagle has launched here but it does not connect at the GUI level. The documenation is also fairly old ( e.g. tar -zxvf eagle-0.1.0-bin.tar.gz, that does not exist)
3)Eagle 4.0 : As I am blocked with issues with Eagle 0.5 and the sandbox , I am planning to s try with the previous version 0.4 (apache-eagle-0.4.0-incubating-src). Regarding 4.0 : 1) Do I need to install entire Hadoop system as some documentation suggest ? That means JDK ( 1.7.0 older version), Hadoop 2.7.3. Yarn , Logstash, Zookeeper, Strom, Kafka again before installing Eagle ?
It says V.0.4 only supports only user behavior analysis. I am not sure what else is not supported by not having version 0.5 in area of Security and Performance monitoring ?
Hope to get some reply this time.