Visit the Google+ Hangout Apache Edgent Events Page to see previous and upcoming events. Please add topics for future events to this table, or sign up to present.

We are very excited to grow the Edgent community!  Please use the presentations to hold local meetups, conventions or discussions with your colleagues.  We welcome additional ideas and presentations that everyone can use.


TopicPresenter(s)DateLink to Event & Presentation SlidesComments

Introduction to Apache Edgent

In this Google+ Hangout, the committers presented a high-level overview of the Apache Edgent project and demonstrated how you can write, monitor and debug your Edgent application. They also showed you how you can get involved and contribute to the Edgent community.

Dan Debrunner

Will Marshall

Susan Cline

Kathey Marsden

10 AM - 12 PM (PST)




Edgent Development Console.pdf


Apache Edgent on Raspberry Pi

In this Google+ Hangout, we showed how you can use Edgent to work with real sensor data on a Raspberry Pi. We also showed a demo application, where we implemented a smart sprinkler system using Apache Edgent, Raspberry Pi, Watson IoT Platform and Streaming Analytics Service.

Queenie Ma

Samantha Chan

Mary Kormor

Kendrick Wong

Cong Li 

10 AM - 11 AM (PST)




Analyze data at the edge of your networks: Join Apache Edgent (dW Open Tech Talk)





11 AM - 12 PM (EST)


Sensor Data Analytics Acceleration with Apache Edgent (Meetup)

With an ever increasing number of connected devices anticipated, a flood of data derived from sensors and “things,” whether a temperature sensor, smart traffic light, or vehicle, raise a new set of challenges for enterprises. The challenges (and value) come from analysis of that flood of data in order to reap the benefits and drive business value. 

This presentation and demonstration will focus on edge analytics using Apache Quarks (now Apache Edgent), an open source community for accelerating analytics at the edge. 

Brandon Swink


11:30 AM (CST)

Japan House


Sensor Data Analytics Acceleration with Apache Edgent (Meetup)

Brandon Swink


7:00 PM (CST)

Sherlock's Baker St Pub

Edge Analytics Meetup 2016-11-22.pdf


Apache Edgent: Datastreaming and Analytics for IoT Devices (Meetup)

Processing data in real time is an increasingly important problem in modern day data engineering. Programming frameworks such as Spark, Apex, and Flink have been adopted to satisfy this need. These frameworks, however, are designed to perform data processing in a cluster or large datacenter, ignoring the so-called "edge" devices for IoT. Apache Edgent (currently in incubation), is a framework for writing and controlling data streaming applications on remote IoT devices.

In this talk, we will discuss the basic concepts of data streaming, explore some of the use cases behind Edgent, and compare Edgent to its other streaming counterparts.

Will Marshall


6:00 PM (PST)



Video Analytics at the Edge: Fun with Apache Edgent, OpenCV and a Raspberry Pi

This presentation introduces Apache Edgent and provides a video analytics use case to illustrate its programming model and capabilities.

Dale LaBossiere

Will Marshall

Jerome Chailloux


2:30 PM (EST)

Intercontinental Miami

(ApacheCon North America 2017)

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