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  1. Can we move this to somewhere in the tree structure? 

  2. Hi James, I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

    The docs are on thesame page tree as Fineract and Fineract CN.

    What I tried when posting this was placing it next to Fineract or FINCN but I couldn't firgure out how to do that and the page got automatically placed in this position in the tree.

    I have no objections with it moving somewhere else, I just wasn't able to do it.

  3. Hi Yamdjih - So, I spent a lot of time trying to put a structure into place.  It is not perfect, and I am NOT sure where this belongs in the overall structure.   If this is a project at the <Same Level> as fineract1.x and fineractCN, then you have chosen the right place in the wiki hierarchy.   What I suspect is that it should be under a heading like "New Explorations" or "Special Projects". or perhaps under "Fineract Data and AI" as a heading.   

    What I am trying to avoid is too many "top level" articles.  Hierarchy helps in organizing the project.  What would you suggest?  

  4. Oh, now I get it.
    It's an independent project like FINCN but at thesame time it's still in more of an exploration which can easily go under Fineract Data and AI.

    I would qualify it as a baby project so I would suggest we put it under "Fineract Data and AI"