Mustella is a test framework that automates manual testing of the Flex SDK. Whenever changes are made to the SDK, Mustella should be used to validate the changes. This is important to be able to identify when something breaks the current Flex SDK looks and functionality.
Mustella is a resource hog. It has a tendency to use large amounts of memory and processing power while it is running. It can also take a long time to complete. Try to run the tests using the component specific mini_run if possible.
Full Mustella Test
To run all of the Mustella tests - this will take many hours to complete.
./ -all
Component Specific Tests
To run a sub set of test you can specify the directory the test live in. For instance to run the mx:Combobox tests you would type:
./ tests/components/Combobox
To run a specific test script you can specify the relative path to the corresponding mxml file. For instance, to run ComboBasePropertyTester.mxml you would type:
./ tests/components/ComboBox/Properties/ComboBasePropertyTester.mxml
You can even target one single test case inside a test script, using -caseName option. For instance, to run combobase_properties_text case i the script above, you would type the following:
./ -caseName=combobase_properties_text tests/components/ComboBox/Properties/ComboBasePropertyTester.mxml
Re-running Failed Tests
If one or more test fail you can rerun just the failing tests and save some time by typing:
./ -failures