This page is not about "coding conventions" like where to put your curly braces.
This page is about how a single .as file produces a component that runs in a SWF as well as JS in the browser (or other JS runtime).
Conditional Compilation
Base Classes
Different inheritance
/** * class documentation */ COMPILE::SWF public class Button extends UIButtonBase { } … COMPILE::JS Public class Button extends UIBase { }
Same Inheritance
COMPILE::SWF public var someVar:Object; COMPILE::SWF public function someFunction():void { }
COMPILE::SWF { import somePackage.someClass; } public function foo():String { COMPILE::SWF { return “hi”; } COMPILE::JS { return “bye”; } }
public function foo():String { return “hi”; }
public function foo():String { return “bye”; }
JS Components Wrap HTMLElement, are DisplayObjects.
Wrap platform code if you can
element = document.createElement(“div”); element.flexjs_wrapper = this;
element = document.createElement(“div”) as WrappedHTMLElement;
@flexjsignorecoercion org.apache.flex.core.WrappedHTMLElement
JS-only or SWF-only Components
import org.apache.flex.utils.EffectTimer; EffectTimer; import org.apache.flex.utils.MixinManager; MixinManager; COMPILE::SWF { import org.apache.flex.utils.PNGEncoder; PNGEncoder; import org.apache.flex.utils.SolidBorderUtil; SolidBorderUtil; import org.apache.flex.utils.StringTrimmer; StringTrimmer; } import org.apache.flex.utils.Timer; Timer; import org.apache.flex.utils.CSSUtils; CSSUtils; COMPILE::JS { import org.apache.flex.utils.Language; Language; }
In this snippet you can see that PNGEncoder, SolidBorderUtil and StringTrimmer are only needed for SWF versions, and org.apache.flex.utils.Language is only used in JS versions.
SWF- or JS-specific APIs
Each SWC project is allowed to have public APIs that are used for communicating with other SWCs and not for use by the application developer. For example, the JS implementations may want to address the Window object directly. While it is possible to wrap-up and abstract away these differences between the SWF and JS runtimes, those abstractions can have performance issues, so instead we are currently opting to allow differences in public APIs based on the runtime.
So, each SWC project actually produces two SWCs. One we call the "JS" SWC that may have JS-specific APIs, and the main SWC that has the byte code for the SWF and the cross-compiled JS files and can have SWF-specific APIs. A future task is to upgrade the documentation system to mark certain APIs as runtime specific so the application developer knows which APIs will exist on both runtimes.
The "JS" SWC is identified by having "JS" appended to the SWC name, so there is a Core.swc that contains SWF byte code and cross-compiled JS files, and a CoreJS.swc that contains the JS-specific APIs. Downstream SWC projects then use Core.swc for building the main SWC and CoreJS.swc for cross-compiling and building its own "JS" sec for its downstream customers.
Build-related Files
There are several files involved in building the main SWC. The goal is to cross-compile the JS version, then compile the SWF version and create a SWC that includes the .JS files from the cross-compile.
For each SWC project, there will be a frameworks/projects folder (i.e. frameworks/projects/HTML) and a frameworks/js/FlexJS/projects/ folder (i.e. frameworks/js/FlexJS/projects/HTML). In addition, there are two output folders of SWCs. The main SWCs go in frameworks/libs, the "JS" SWCs go in frameworks/js/libs.
The process for building all of the SWCs is to first build the "JS" SWCs and cross-compile the AS to JS with COMPILE::SWF=false and COMPILE::JS=true. This generates the SWCs that go in frameworks/js/libs, and target/generated-sources folders in each of the projects in frameworks/js/FlexJS/projects.
The next step is to build the main SWFs. The builds compile the AS with COMPILE::SWF=true and COMPILE::JS=false. They package up the JS files from target/generated-sources in the project's frameworks/js/FlexJS/projects folder.
The build.xml file for a "JS" SWC should have two main targets:
- compile-asjs: This cross-compiles the JS version using the js.swc from Falcon (as opposed to playerglobal.swc or airglobal.swc) for the "built-in" classes (Object, Array, String, Number, etc). The COMPILE::SWF flag should be false and the COMPILE::JS flag should be true.
- compile-js-swc: This compiles a SWF for a SWC but still using the js.swc from Falcon. This SWC is placed in an js/libs folder for use as a dependent SWC by downstream SWCs. This SWC is needed so that only the API surfaces exposed by COMPILE::JS are available to consumers of this SWC. Application developers should never need to access these SWCs, only downstream SWC developers.
The build.xml file for a SWC should have 3 main steps:
- compile: This is the final phase that compiles a SWF for a SWC with COMPILE::SWF true and COMPILE::JS false and using playerglobal.swc or airglobal.swc for the built-in classes.
The list of files that are compiled by each phase is controlled by a compile-js-config.xml file for steps 1 and 2, and compile-as-config.xml for step 3.
The compile-js-config.xml file
- Should have an empty external-library-path entry. The external-library-path is specified in build.xml so we can use Ant to resolve the reference to js.swc in the Falcon repo
- Should use upstream SWCs from the js/libs folder, not the frameworks/libs folder (so that the API surfaces are the ones exposed by COMPILE::JS
The compile-as-config.xml file
- Should have playerglobal.swc or airglobal.swc as the external-library-path entry
- Should use upstream SWCs from the frameworks/libs folder and not the js/libs folder
- Should have "include-file" entries for the js/FlexJS/projects/<projectname>/target/generated-sources folder
<include-file> <name>js/out/*</name> <path>../../../../../js/FlexJS/projects/<projectname>JS/target/generated-sources/flexjs/*<</path> </include-file>
The build.xml not only includes the JS files in the JS SWC folder, but also copies them to frameworks/js/FlexJS/generated-sources. The FalconJX compiler is told to look at frameworks/js/FlexJS/generated-sources first, then look in the SWCs. This is done to enable folks to monkey-patch JS files in frameworks/js/FlexJS/generated-sources and not have to rebuild a SWC. The danger is that a stale file in frameworks/js/FlexJS/generated-sources can override your changes that went into the SWC.