Application developers can create applications with Apache FlexJS via a number IDEs, from the command line, with Ant, and soon, Maven.  Below are links to instructions for installing FlexJS with links to instructions for specific IDEs.

To install the Apache FlexJS SDK, you can do one of the following:

Installing FlexJS via the Apache Flex SDK Installer

The Apache Flex SDK Installer is only supported on Mac and Windows.

  1. Download and run the Apache Flex Installer from  You may have to uninstall any older version of the Apache Flex Installer before running it.
  2. Choose an Apache FlexJS release from the list of options.
  3. Follow the installation instructions.
  4. Then if you wish to use this SDK in an IDE, follow the instructions for your IDE below

Installing FlexJS via the Node Package Manager (npm)

Assuming you already have Node Package Manager installed, installation is as simple as:

 npm install flexjs -g

Once the installation completes, if you wish to use this SDK in an IDE, follow the instructions for your IDE below

Installing FlexJS by Downloading a Binary Package

Assuming you have installed Apache Ant (which is often pre-installed on Linux and Mac):

  1. Download the Apache FlexJS binary package from:
  2. Expand the package into a folder.
  3. In the folder where you expanded the FlexJS binary package, run ant -f installer.xml and follow the prompts.

Once the installation completes, if you wish to use this SDK in an IDE, follow the instructions for your IDE below

Installing FlexJS by Downloading and Building the Source Package

A source package is the only official release backed by the Apache Software Foundation.  All other techniques utilize binary files built for your convenience by individuals.  A source package is more easily certified as safe to use.
  1. Download the Apache FlexJS source package from:
  2. Expand the package into a folder.
  3. Follow the instructions in the README to install and configure the "Install Prerequisites".
  4. Run ant.
  5. In the folder where you expanded the FlexJS release, run ant -f installer.xml and follow the prompts.

Once the installation completes, if you wish to use this SDK in an IDE, follow the instructions for your IDE below

Using FlexJS from the Command Line

Compiling your application is generally done using mxlmc, and a minimal command looks something like this:

$FLEX_JS_PATH/js/bin/mxmlc -compiler.source-path=src src/MyApp.mxml

For more information on different arguments which can be used and an overview of the commands, see this page.

Using FlexJS with Maven


Using IDEs for FlexJS Application Development

Here are links to instruction for setting up FlexJS in various IDEs:



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