Apache Geronimo Board Report
Apache Geronimo is an open source server runtime that integrates the best open source projects to create Java/OSGi server runtimes that meet the needs of enterprise developers and system administrators.
- Overall development activity (commits, JIRA, dev mailing list traffic) was low.
- Some work being done on Java EE 7 specification jars.
- Genesis 2.2
- XBean 4.0
- JavaMail 1.8.4
- Spec jars (geronimo-annotation_1.2_spec, geronimo-jcdi_1.1_spec, geronimo-interceptor_1.2_spec, geronimo-concurrent_1.0_spec, geronimo-jcache_1.0_spec, geronimo-validation_1.1_spec, geronimo-json-1.0_spec)
- The traffic on the user mailing list was low.
- The last new PMC member was added in July 2014.
- No new committers. The last new committer was added in March 2013.
Board-level issues