
1. Marton

2. Anu

3. Bharat

4. Clay

5. Nanda

6. Josh

7. Vivek

8. Aravindan

9. Ajay

10. Salvatore

11. Eric Yang

12. Mohammad J Khan

Discussion items

1Biscyanne - 0.4.1 releaseNanda will act as the release manager for 0.4.1He plans to open a 0.4.1 branch first week of July.
2New Features - K8s resourcesMarton, Josh & Salvatore

For K8s, We will do multiple site testing.

Josh/Salvatore will help Nanda validate bits for K8s during release process.

Marton is running all tests under K8s. Post, 0..4.1 we will try to get tests running via CI.

Eric brought up the issue that our containers has non-essential bits like tests. Since 0.4.1 is still Alpha, we have deemed it to be ok, and Apache does NOT do container based releases anyway. All our docker and K8s are examples to make building production containers easier. They are no production ready containers.

3New Features - Ozone ACL support


We have few more patches to committed. By early next week, we should be code complete.
4FreonNandaWill add a new profile to Freon called "No Data", since it will allow us to measure only the metadata layer. The RandomKeys profile will measure the end-to-end system, and noData will measure the performance of OM and SCM, which is useful to isolate where the performance issues are coming from.

Locking hierarchy changes in OM


We discussed the changes to locking hierarchy in great depth. We understand that this is a deep change to OM, but we believe the benefits outweigh the risks. We will commit this patch for 0.4.1

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