WebHCat Reference: DDL Resources

This is an overview page for the WebHCat DDL resources. The full list of WebHCat resources is on this overview page.


Resource (Type)


DDL Command

ddl (POST)

Perform an HCatalog DDL command.


ddl/database (GET)

List HCatalog databases.


ddl/database/:db (GET)

Describe an HCatalog database.


ddl/database/:db (PUT)

Create an HCatalog database.


ddl/database/:db (DELETE)

Delete (drop) an HCatalog database.


ddl/database/:db/table (GET)

List the tables in an HCatalog database.


ddl/database/:db/table/:table (GET)

Describe an HCatalog table.


ddl/database/:db/table/:table (PUT)

Create a new HCatalog table.


ddl/database/:db/table/:table (POST)

Rename an HCatalog table.


ddl/database/:db/table/:table (DELETE)

Delete (drop) an HCatalog table.


ddl/database/:db/table/:existingtable/like/:newtable (PUT)

Create a new HCatalog table like an existing one.


ddl/database/:db/table/:table/partition (GET)

List all partitions in an HCatalog table.


ddl/database/:db/table/:table/partition/:partition (GET)

Describe a single partition in an HCatalog table.


ddl/database/:db/table/:table/partition/:partition (PUT)

Create a partition in an HCatalog table.


ddl/database/:db/table/:table/partition/:partition (DELETE)

Delete (drop) a partition in an HCatalog table.


ddl/database/:db/table/:table/column (GET)

List the columns in an HCatalog table.


ddl/database/:db/table/:table/column/:column (GET)

Describe a single column in an HCatalog table.


ddl/database/:db/table/:table/column/:column (PUT)

Create a column in an HCatalog table.


ddl/database/:db/table/:table/property (GET)

List table properties.


ddl/database/:db/table/:table/property/:property (GET)

Return the value of a single table property.


ddl/database/:db/table/:table/property/:property (PUT)

Set a table property.

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