Apache Mesos Framework support scheduling and running Apache Ignite nodes in a Mesos cluster. This develop a Mesos Scheduler, a Mesos Task.
User starts Ignite Mesos Framework, framework scheduler is started and registers in the Mesos Cluster. Once registration is successful the framework will start to launch tasks on nodes. The framework will begin expanding the cluster to the desired total number of nodes. If a node were to be lost, the framework would first attempt to restart the node and the framework will remove the lost node from the cluster.
Multiple instances of the framework can be run for multiple topology Frameworks will re-register with Mesos. Fault Tolerant, to restart failed Apache Ignite node tasks.
The Mesos scheduler is the component with the most high-level intelligence in the framework. It will need to possess the ability to start Apache Ignite cluster and distribute the correct configuration and packages to all started nodes.
The Mesos Task will be responsible for running container with required configuration.
For running Ignite Framework requires started Apache Mesos Cluster. Instruction how setting up a cluster: https://docs.mesosphere.com/getting-started/datacenter/install/.
Currently the recommended way to run the Ignite Framework is via Marathon.
Download or copy the json properties. Update the MESOS_MASTER_URL
and any other parameters which would like to change. See Properties section.
{ "id": "ignition", "instances": 1, "cpus": 2, "mem": 2048, "ports": [0], "uris": [ "https://s3.amazonaws.com/ignite-mesos-ip/ignite-mesos-1.1.0.jar" ], "env": { "IGNITE_NODE_COUNT": "3", "MESOS_MASTER_URL": "zk://localhost:2181/mesos", "IGNITE_RUN_CPU_PER_NODE": "2", "IGNITE_MEMORY_PER_NODE": "2048", "IGNITE_USERS_LIBS_URL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/ignite-mesos-ip/libs.zip", "IGNITE_CONFIG_XML_URL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/ignite-mesos-ip/default-config.xml", "IGNITE_VERSION": "1.0.5" }, "cmd": "java -jar ignite-mesos-1.1.0.jar" }
POST the config to Marathon by CURL or other tools.
curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" --data-binary @marathon.json http://<marathon-ip>:8080/v2/apps/
Make sure thath Ignite cluster is running, for this:
Open Marathon UI at http://<marathon-ip>:8080
. Make sure that exists application with name "Ignition"
java -jar ignite-mesos-1.0.0-snapshot-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Make sure that Ignite cluster is running, for this:
3. Open Mesos console at http://<master-ip>:5050. If all work correctly tasks with
"Ignite node N"
should have state "RUNNING"
4. Go to sandbox.
5. Look at stdout
and stderr
The following properties can be used to configure the framework. The properties can be passed to how property of file or environment variables.
name | description | default | example |
IGNITE_RUN_CPU_PER_NODE | The number of CPU Cores for each Apache Ignite node. | UNLIMITED | 2 |
IGNITE_MEMORY_PER_NODE | The number of Megabytes of RAM for each Apache Ignite node. | UNLIMITED | 1024 |
IGNITE_DISK_SPACE_PER_NODE | The number of Megabytes of Disk for each Apache Ignite node. | 1024 | 1024 |
IGNITE_NODE_COUNT | The number of nodes in the cluster. | 5 | 10 |
IGNITE_TOTAL_CPU | The number of CPU Cores for Ignite cluster. | UNLIMITED | 5 |
IGNITE_TOTAL_MEMORY | The number of Megabytes of RAM for Ignite cluster. | UNLIMITED | 16024 |
IGNITE_TOTAL_DISK_SPACE | The number of Megabytes of Disk for each Apache Ignite cluster. | UNLIMITED | 5024 |
IGNITE_MIN_CPU_PER_NODE | The minimum number of CPU cores required to run Apache Ignite node. | 1 | 4 |
IGNITE_MIN_MEMORY_PER_NODE | The minimum number of Megabytes of RAM cores required to run Apache Ignite node. | 256 | 1024 |
IGNITE_VERSION | The version ignite which will be run on nodes. | latest | 1.0.5 |
IGNITE_WORK_DIR | The directory which will be used for saving. | ignite-release | /opt/ignite/ |
IGNITE_XML_CONFIG | The path to Apache Ignite config file. | N/A | /opt/ignite/ignite-config.xml |
IGNITE_USERS_LIBS | The path to libs which will be added to classpath. | N/A | /opt/libs/ |
MESOS_MASTER_URL | Mesos ZooKeeper URL to locate leading master. | zk://localhost:2181/mesos | zk:// or |