March 2012 Board reports (see ReportingSchedule).
This report is CLOSED.
Many thanks to Noel Bergman for his service as the chairman of the Incubator PMC over the past eight years! The discussions about the role and structure of the Incubator over the past few months have receded as we've recently been focusing more on the status and concrete issues of individual podlings. This has resulted in a notable improvement in the overall atmosphere in the Incubator, though some of the deeper issues that were identified earlier may come back to haunt us unless we revisit them at some point. Based on the discussion during the last board meeting and related thoughts on we have decided to keep including individual podling reports as a part of the main Incubator report. The main rationale for this is that we want to teach podlings the habit of reporting all the way to the ASF board (with help from and extra review by the IPMC) instead of positioning the Incubator PMC as a "mini-board" that filters out and just summarizes podling reports. That said, we did put extra effort in reviewing podling reports and highlighting issues that might be of special interest to the board. Comments and feedback on this approach would be welcome. o Community Matt Franklin and Colm O hEigeartaigh joined the Incubator PMC since our last report. The following podlings are requesting graduation to Apache TLPs: - Apache Accumulo - Apache Lucy - Apache Rave - Apache Sqoop The Incubator PMC recommends the board to accept the respective resolutions. Other podlings like RAT (Creadur) are currently preparing for graduation. No new project proposals have been received since our last report. The initial response to our recent increased emphasis on report review has been positive, and it looks like the effort is starting to bear fruit in terms of timely reports and a gradually improving focus on graduation plans across the Incubator. Community activity and diversity remain the most common graduation blockers for incubating projects. We are seeking ways to better track such things and help podlings grow their communities. There's been talk about cooperation with ComDev on this front, but so far nothing concrete has come out of this. Of particular note community-wise is the Kato podling that no longer considers itself blocked by Oracle's position on JSR 326. See the Kato report for more details and thoughts on the project's future. o Releases The following incubating releases were made since our last report: - February 17th, 2012: Apache Sqoop 1.4.1-incubating - February 21st, 2012: Apache Isis 0.2.0-incubating - February 21st, 2012: Apache Wookie 0.9.2-incubating - March 1st, 2012: Apache Oozie 3.1.3-incubating - March 4th, 2012: Apache Rave 0.8-incubating - March 4th, 2012: Apache Tashi 201202-incubating - March 6th, 2012: Apache Hama 0.4-incubating - March 10th, 2012: Apache Jena TDB 0.9.0-incubating - March 11th, 2012: Apache MRUnit 0.8.1-incubating The release process continues to be a source of trouble for many podlings and also to the Incubator in general. The typical symptoms of this trouble are major delays in releases of some podlings. We've had discussions about ways to fix this, but so far there unfortunately hasn't been much concrete progress. o Legal / Trademarks The issue of using Java package names other than org.apache.* came up in relation to the Sqoop project. The resulting discussion and the rough consensus that was reached is summarized in the Sqoop report. The Flex podling is working on a custom trademark licensing deal with Adobe. See the Flex report for mode details. The PODLINGNAMESEARCH process prepared especially by Robert is now being used by many podlings, and the initial results in terms of increased confidence in the uniqueness and suitability of podling names seem pretty good. o Infrastructure Thanks especially to Joe and Sebb, the Incubator web site is now managed using the Apache CMS. Three podlings - Cordova, DeltaSpike and S4 - are using the Git repositories provided by the infra team. The early experiences seem to have been generally positive with no major issues raised, though no detailed review of potential community impacts has yet been done. The infrastructure migrations of large or complex projects like OpenOffice and Flex have been (and continue being) fairly long processes that seem to have generated at least some frustration. We're hoping to collect experience of key problems so that future podlings with similar needs could at least better anticipate and plan for such issues. The OpenMeetings podling is looking to set up a meeting server as a service for other projects and groups (possibly the board) within the ASF. Interested groups should contact OpenMeetings and/or infra for more details. The idea came up of reviving the old INCUBATOR issue tracker for tracking Incubator-related tasks. Time will tell how useful this will be to us. -------------------- Summary of podling reports -------------------- We reviewed all podlings reporting in this quarter and categorized them according to their progress through the Incubator and the most pressing issues that are currently blocking progress. Still getting started at the Incubator (3 podlings) DeviceMap, Flex, Syncope These projects are still getting started, so no immediate progress towards graduation is yet expected. Not yet ready to graduate (14 podlings) IP clearance: Openmeetings No release: Bloodhound, Cordova, OpenOffice Low activity: Kalumet, Kato Low diversity: Bigtop, Etch, Isis, Hama, HCatalog, MRUnit, S4, Wave We expect the next quarterly report of projects in this category to include a summary of their actions and progress in solving these issues. Ready to graduate (6 podlings) Accumulo, Flume, ManifoldCF, RAT, Rave, Sqoop We expect these projects to graduate within the next quarter. -------------------- Detailed Reports -------------------- Accumulo Accumulo is robust, scalable distributed key/value store with cell-based access control and customizable server-side processing. Accumulo entered incubation in September 2011. Progress since the last report: - released 1.3.5-incubating - began final stages of pre-release testing for 1.4.0-incubating - fostered active discussion on mailing lists and on JIRA tickets - voted in one new committer - received patches from 5 new contributors - agreed on suitability of Accumulo name - discussed graduation and drafted mission statement for resolution - called PPMC vote on graduation Top priorities prior to graduation: - none Issues for Incubator PMC or ASF Board: - none Signed off by mentor: adc - Alan Cabrera -------------------- Bigtop Bigtop is a project for the development of native packaging and stack tests of the Hadoop ecosystem. Bigtop entered incubation on June 20, 2011. Primary issues blocking graduation: - Need for increased diversity and additional committers. Issues which Incubator PMC and/or ASF Board might need/wish to be aware of: - None Community development since last report: - Invited talk at Softwarelivre - Our regular Bay Area Bigtop meetup/class is going strong with ~10 members - Bigtop talk @Bay Are Hadoop User group: - Gave talks on Bigtop @ApacheCON 2011 - Submitted talk proposals to Hadoop summit ( and HBase conf. Project development since last report: - 0.3.0-incubating is in a process of being released - Significantly improved our deployment code (puppet) with the help of an external contributor (Patrick Ramsey) - Added code for producing virtual machine images with Bigtop Hadoop stack baked in - Added code for producing LiveCD/LiveUSB distros of Hadoop stack - Bigtop branch based on Hadoop 0.23 has stabilized to a point where we can start thinking of making 0.4.0 release based on it - Used Bigtop to validate Zookeeper 3.4.* releases - Used Bigtop to validate Hadoop 1.0.* RC and Hadoop 0.23.*RC release - Additional component project Bigtop-jsvc added. - Additional component project Bigtop-tomcat added. - Increased the # and scope of integration tests Signed off by mentor: phunt, tomwhite -------------------- Bloodhound Bloodhound is an issue tracker derivative of Trac, with the goal of making deployment easy, and usage intuitive. Bloodhound has been incubating since December 2011. The current three most important issues toward graduation remain unchanged from last month, and are: 1. Improving community diversity 2. Lowering the barrier to entry and development 3. Creating shippable releases and getting user feedback The last month saw the addition of one committer, Joachim Dreimann, as well as increased technical discussion on the mailing lists, particularly around the areas of user interface, multi-project support and rudimentary installation capabilities. In addition, the first commits of code that should form part of the distribution have been achieved, providing the basis for multi-project support and a very basic installer script. The primary goals of the community remain getting something potential developers can play with into the repository, and creating a release to get some widespread exposure to the project. Signed off by mentor: hwright, gstein -------------------- Cordova Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The project entered incubation as Apache Callback in October, 2011, before changing its name to Cordova. Our aim for Feb was to ship an official Apache release, but a few issues remain. We're confident 1.6 will mark our first release. - completed code migration to Cordova name - weinre nowing running on nodejs - cordova-js migration complete for android, underway for other platforms - aim to new code release cutting tool called `coho` - launched (nice work yohei) - excellent update to the wiki on contribution (fil, michael) - Denis Kormalev (dkormalev) voted as committer - Longwei Su (longwei) voted as committer - Jeff Tranter (tranter) voted as committer Graduation concerns: - updated all license headers to asl - official apache release Signed off by mentor: gianugo, jukka -------------------- DeviceMap Apache DeviceMap is a data repository containing device information, images and other relevant information for all sorts of mobile devices, e.g. smartphones and tablets. Entered incubation on January 3rd, 2012. There are no issues that require the Incubator PMC's or the board's attention. The project is starting slowly, initial technical goals are being discussed and we hope to have our first mobile device data collection prototypes soon. Analyzing requests coming from mobile devices might help us gather the data that we need, we'll get in touch with infrastructure about this once we have precise requirements. Signed off by mentor: bdelacretaz, kevan -------------------- Etch Etch was accepted into Incubator on 2 September 2008. Etch is a cross-platform, language- and transport-independent framework for building and consuming network services. The Etch toolset includes a network service description language, a compiler, and binding libraries for a variety of programming languages. Status: - We published our next release Apache Etch 1.2.0-incubating - The Apache Etch website was switched to the new Apache CMS system. The website is available at - The binding-cpp implementation makes some progress. I think a fist version of the whole stack could be finished while the next weeks - We work on our graduation to become an Apache TLP. Nearly all issues are solved The PODLINGNAMESEARCH is in progress and should be concluded soon. The preparations for the graduation steps are under way. - We could acquire a new committer Thomas Marsh to our team Future Tasks: - Development binding-cpp - Bug fixing - Graduation - Community development Signed off by mentor: cutting -------------------- Flex Apache Flex is an application framework for easily building Flash-based applications for mobile devices, the browser and desktop. Summary: A highly energetic community waits for Adobe to complete the source code transition and infrastructure. Date of entry to the Incubator: December 31, 2011 Top three items to resolve before graduation: 1. Resolve trademark donation or licensing 2. Complete code and bug database donation 3. Make at least one release Is there anything that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board specifically needs to address? The ASF legal team may have to agree to a custom Trademark licensing. Adobe is currently evaluating the parameters of a custom Trademark license proposed by an ASF Board member. If approved, a custom agreement will be drafted and signed by both parties. Are there any legal, infrastructure, cross-project or personal issues that need to be addressed? (Are there any stumbling blocks that impede the podling?) Besides the trademark issue mentioned previously, the import of existing JIRA bugs is blocked by an issue with Apache JIRA's import utility. It has failed to import the data file supplied by Adobe. Infra is supposed to open a support ticket with Atlassian. Check that the project's Incubation Status file up to date. What has been done (releases, milestones, etc.) since the last report? - An initial set of Flex source (base framework code), including history, was checked into the trunk area of the podling’s Subversion repository. - Other initial committers have donated code to the whiteboard. - Updates to the podling's wiki including a getting started area for reference to new project members. - Justin Mclean was accepted as committer to the podling. What are the plans and expectations for the next period? Adobe expects to complete the transfer of the bug database. Adobe also hopes to contribute the compiler and test suite as well. And there is hope for an initial release. Are there any recommendations for how incubation could run more smoothly for you? Incubation has been working well. Our mentors are great. Signed off by mentor: wave, bdelacretaz, greddin -------------------- Flume Apache Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available system for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data to scalable data storage systems such as Apache Hadoop's HDFS. Flume entered incubation on June 12th, 2011. Progress since last report - Flume made it's first release from Incubator - version 1.0.0-incubating on January 4th, 2012. - Flume PPMC voted in three new committers from diverse organizations: Jarek Jarcec Cecho, Brock Noland, and Juhani Connolly. - Development work is going strong on flume-728 branch with over 50 issues fixed since the last submitted report. - The flume-dev list is vibrant with discussions around design and policy, with active participation from contributors and committers alike. Issues before graduation - Move the active development branch - flume-728 to trunk. - Release a version from the trunk. Signed off by mentor: Ralph Goers (rgoers), phunt, tomwhite -------------------- Hama Hama was accepted into Incubator on 20 May 2008. Hama is a distributed computing framework based on BSP (Bulk Synchronous Parallel) computing techniques for massive scientific computations. Top 2 or 3 things to resolve prior to graduation - Grow the community size. - Making a ready-to-use release. Issues for the Incubator PMC or ASF Board - None. Community development - Increased contributions from new people interested in Hama. Apurv Verma and Suraj Menon did contributed great efforts to our project. - Looking forward to participate in GSOC 2012 and invite new committers. Project development - Prepared Hama 0.4.0-incubating and benchmarked its performance (The concept is proofed). - This release includes a lot of new features and improvements and is currently being voted. - Stabilized barrier synchronization. - Support Muli-tasks. - Input/Output Formatter like MapReduce. Signed off by mentor: tommaso -------------------- HCatalog HCatalog is a table and storage management service for data created using Apache Hadoop. HCatalog entered Apache incubator on March 2011. The most important issues in moving the project to graduation are expanding the community of users and developers. There has been progress on this over last few months as we are seeing some significant contributions coming from the community adding in new features. e.g., see HCATALOG-2 We are adding new features (see 3rd point below) which will help us to reach out to non-java users which we believe will help us significantly expand our user base. Since the last report we: - Are preparing for our second release HCatalog 0.4 - Continued feature development, making Hive and HCatalog interoperability better (HCATALOG-237). - Work in progress for adding rest apis for HCatalog (HCATALOG-182) which could help us in significantly expand our user base. Currently there are 85 subscribers to the user list and 77 on the dev list. There were 75 and 70 respectively last report (December 2011). Signed off by mentor: Alan Gates (gates) -------------------- Isis Isis is an ALv2 licensed implementation of the Naked Objects pattern. It is based on contributions of the original Naked Objects Framework along with a number of sister projects that were developed for the book "Domain Driven Design using Naked Objects " (pragprog 2009). Isis was accepted into the Incubator in 2010, September 7th. Project Development - Released 0.2.0-incubating, with improved website and archetype - Added demo of jQuery mobile to demonstrate REST API - Added support for MongoDB in the nosql object store Community Development - Mailing list remains reasonably active - New site gone live which improves the "message" for would-be users - Hoping to pick up a new committer; awaiting their contribution for review - New JIRA tickets raised/tagged existing tickets for potential newbie contributors to pick up and contribute back - Continuing to work on restful objects spec, implemented by Isis and by (non-Apache) Naked Objects MVC open source project - hope is that this will raise some synergies and build community across both Top 3 Issues to address in move towards graduation - only really one issue: need to demonstrate can bring in at least one new committer. At that point, we feel that we have done enough to warrant graduation (as a small but viable community) - in mean time, need to continue to remove impediments for building the community, by improving the messaging on the website, by making the archetypes easy to use, by blogging We don't believe that any of these issues requires Board attention. New Releases - 0.2.0-incubating was released in Feb 2011 - intention is to release 0.3.0 in Apr or May (prior to next report) Signed off by mentor: struberg -------------------- Kalumet Apache Kalumet is a complete platform to administrate data center. It covers the operating system tasks, middleware provisioning, etc. Kalumet entered incubation in September 2011. Community Developement: Some new users gave interest to Kalumet. Some contributions should arrive soon. Lot of users are still "linked" to the old area on sourceforge. We are going to deprecate the sourceforge area to highly promote Kalumet. Our effort will be on the project activity. Project Development: From a codebase perspective, we added the support of JBoss 6/7 and made some important enhancements on the VFS file manipulation. Now, we are working on the documentation, to be able to publish on the website asap. Roadmap Before Graduation: - The first target is the documentation. We plan to provide an online installation guide (for both agent and console), user guide (for the console), tutorial/use case. The work started and should be committed soon. - Kalumet scripts. It's the extension of the "software" concept globally to all Kalumet resources. It will allow users to create custom deployment/update plan, with a set of fine-grained steps. - Refactoring of the UI. Currently Kalumet Console uses Echo2 framework. It's a category B license framework. We plan to refactore the console to use a new framework. Web Site/Communication Development: The website has been created: It introduces Kalumet and provide first content. The website will be updated with the documentation soon. Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of: None so far. Signed off by mentor: jbonofre, olamy -------------------- Kato Kato was accepted into the Incubator on 6 November 2008. Kato is a project to develop the Specification, Reference Implementation, and TCK for JSR 326: the JVM Post-mortem Diagnostics API. Recent Activity: - Oracle finally stated its position on JSR 326 and the Kato project. In short, other technologies are a higher priority, and there is a limited audience for the API. - There was a lot of discussion on the status of this project and the reporting of that status. - Robert Burrell Donkin announced his resignation from the IPMC and as mentor for this project. - There was some discussion about the future of the project, but nothing concrete. The following is planned for next reporting period: - Decide in what form the podling should continue, if at all. Before this project can graduate we need to encourage more participation in the project and grow the community. Signed off by mentor: ant -------------------- ManifoldCF ManifoldCF is an incremental crawler framework and set of connectors designed to pull documents from various kinds of repositories into search engine indexes or other targets. The current bevy of repository connectors includes Documentum (EMC), FileNet (IBM), LiveLink (OpenText), Meridio (Autonomy), SharePoint (Microsoft), JDBC, CIFS file systems, CMIS repositories, Alfresco, RSS feeds, Wiki content, and web content. Output support includes Solr, MetaCarta GTS, and OpenSearchServer. ManifoldCF also provides components for individual document security within a target search engine, so that repository security access conventions can be enforced in search results. ManifoldCF has been in incubation since January, 2010. It was originally a planned subproject of Lucene but is now a likely top-level project. A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation: 1. We believe we've reached graduation threshold. More committers and greater breadth in the committer base is always welcome, of course. 2. We need the current committer base to continue to broaden their commits to new areas of the project Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of? We have an outstanding request to Apache Legal to determine whether we can distribute PDF files containing Japanese characters rendered with the IPA family of fonts. It would be great to know the answer prior to the release of ManifoldCF 0.5-incubating. A ticket is open (LEGAL-123) but no activity has taken place on it. How has the community developed since the last report? We've received sustained contributions from multiple individuals, and signed up one new committer. Deployments of the project software are also now clearly reaching a much broader audience than they were a year ago, and this trend seems likely to continue. A second revision of ManifoldCF in Action is also planned to keep up with developments on the project. How has the project developed since the last report? An 0.1 release was made on January 31, 2011, and a 0.2 release occurred on May 17, 2011. The 0.3 release occurred on September 20, 2011. The 0.4 release took place on February 2, 2012. The fifth incubator release is planned for March 30, 2012, and will include an ElasticSearch connector, full internationalization support and a Japanese localization, MySQL support, automated UI testing, and more. Signed off by mentor: tommaso, jukka -------------------- MRUnit MRUnit is a unit testing framework specifically designed to make it easy to test and evaluate Map Reduce algorithms and applications that run on top of Hadoop. MRUnit entered the Incubator on Mar 8, 2011. Community - Added a new committer, Jim Donofrio. - Release 0.8.0-incubating has been announced. - Release 0.8.1-incubating will be announced shortly. Issues before graduation - Grow the community size and diversity - Make another incubating release - Construct an MRUnit website to replace the existing stub Licensing and other issues - none - MRUnit was originally a subproject of Hadoop Signed off by mentor: mattmann, phunt -------------------- Openmeetings Openmeetings provides video conferencing, instant messaging, white board, collaborative document editing and other groupware tools using API functions of the Red5 Streaming Server for Remoting and Streaming. OpenMeetings entered the incubation on November 12, 2011. - A question for PMC: Should we start a demo server on Apache, so people can benefit from communication? Project status: - We have prepared our build environment for integration with Apache's build server and discussing with Infra team - Integration of new Audio/Video components, progress is documentated at: - A first version of the JIRA Plugin for Openmeetings is ready - Code review is ongoing to prepare files for IP clearance Community status: - Wiki starting to get in shape - Tutorials english/spanish and VMWare Image created by Alavaro Problems: - currently the legal status of our plugins is not 100% clear if we are able to maintain and publish them under ASL, see we need to discuss that further and get an official statement. Signed off by mentor: rgardler, jim -------------------- OpenOffice (was * OpenOffice entered incubation 2011-06-13 OpenOffice is an open-source, office-document productivity suite providing six productivity applications based around the OpenDocument Format (ODF). OpenOffice is released on multiple platforms. Its localizations support 110 languages worldwide. Most Important To Address: 1. Completion of the IP-review portions of the incubation checklist 2. A Successful Podling Release 3. Increase size and diversity of the active development community Issues for IPMC or ASF Board Awareness - None Community Development Progress - Since our last report we have voted in 3 new Committers. - We have improved to act more as a self organized project to address and solve project related topics (eg. budget transfer from SPI, forum moderation). - We accepted an offer from SourceForge to host our extension repository (host, upgrade, improve) as interim solution. - With the start of QA and translation effort, additional volunteers have now started becoming active in the project. - We continue to get trademark usage permission requests, including an interesting one to use Apache OpenOffice as "stage dressing" in a Hollywood motion picture. Project Development Progress - We believe that all category-x copyleft code has been removed. Development focus has shifted to preparing our initial Polding Release (release 3.4) - Buildbot now doing nightly Linux 64bit and Windows builds. Linux 32bit and MacOS is in-progress. - Work on a working translation process has started. We restore and backup the old Pootle data, analyzed the data and the translation process. Work ongoing (very complex to understand the roundtrip) - Started organized QA work (manual testing + automated testing) - Provide weekly developer snapshots for Linux (32, 64 bit), Windows, MacOS and partly Solaris (x86) - Added script to build source packages for releases - Working on final pieces of infrastructure migration, including shut down of legacy email forwarder. - Community support forums remain popular with users, hitting a new concurrency record (296), but also seeing more spammers: Signed off by mentor: rgardler, joes -------------------- RAT RAT started incubation as a Java library that scans files for known licenses and reports files that lack any of them. By now more tools that help collecting, aggregating and validating licenses have been added. After some soul-searching the RAT community is preparing to vote on graduating as a TLP under the name Creadur. The voting process is not likely to complete in time for the next board meeting, though. Signed off by mentor: -------------------- Rave Apache Rave is a a widgets-based, web-and-social mashup platform. It will provide an out-of-the-box as well as an extendible lightweight Java platform to host, serve and aggregate (Open)Social Gadgets, W3C Widgets and services through a highly customizable and Web 2.0 friendly front-end. Rave entered incubation on 2011-03-01. Project Development: - Venkat Mahadevan was voted in as new committer and PPMC member in January - Three additional releases (0.6-incubating, 0.7-incubating, 0.8-incubating) since the last report - A next 0.9-incubating release candidate is being voted on on the dev list - Apache Wookie is now integrated and bundled with the 0.9-incubation release candidate - A patch for easier and more modular integration of Apache Shindig in Rave has been accepted and applied by Shindig Community Development - Rave received honorable mention in the 2011 Open Source Rookies of the Year selection from Black Duck Software - Ate Douma represented the ASF and Rave in a public webinar from Black Duck Software "Code well and Prosper with OSS: How Apache and Eclipse Help Developers Succeed" - Matt Franklin did a live demo and presentation on Rave at the OpenSocial 3.0 Kickoff - Community interaction on mailing list remains high and rising - Discussions on architecture and roadmap plans towards a 1.0 release are heating up Tasks done and remaining to graduate: - A suitable name search has been executed on usage of "Apache Rave" - IP Clearance of all code donations have been performed and resolved - All other relevant Incubating work items have been resolved - The Rave PPMC has voted on and accepted to graduate and collaborated on the proposed board resolution - The Rave PPMC decided with general consensus to propose Matt Franklin as new Chair for Apache Rave - The IPMC has voted on and accepted the graduation proposal on March 1st (exactly 1 year after entering the incubator) - The Apache Rave graduation proposal has been added to the next board meeting agenda Signed off by mentor: ate, rgardler -------------------- S4 S4 (Simple Scalable Streaming System) is a general-purpose, distributed, scalable, partially fault-tolerant, pluggable platform that allows programmers to easily develop applications for processing continuous, unbounded streams of data. S4 entered incubation on September 26th 2011. Infrastructure issues - Migration to the experimental git program completed. No problems reported. Other issues before graduation 1. Still working towards an initial release on Apache with the current code (version 0.4 = version 0.3 + checkpointing + bugfixes) 2. Complete the current work on the new version (S4-piper, 0.5), which is a major refactoring that simplifies concepts, API, and introduce new features such as dynamic deployment and reliable channels. Designed reliable channels; implemented guaranteed message-delivery even in the presence of network glitches and partitions using Netty's TCP. Pending one bug, this code is up for inclusion. Added an Embedded Domain Specific Language (EDSL) to create applications. Designed and started implementation of command-line deployment tool to make it easy to manage the cluster. Design adaptor and inter-application communication. 3. Grow the community Project activity: - 45 Jira issues created to date - 8 issue reporters - 5 contributors - Mailing lists: 55 on dev, 72 on user Signed off by mentor: phunt -------------------- Sqoop A tool for efficiently transferring bulk data between Apache Hadoop and structured datastores such as relational databases. Sqoop was accepted into Apache Incubator on June 11, 2011. Status information is available at Progress since last report: - Sqoop PPMC voted in Kathleen Ting as a new committer. - Sqoop PPMC voted in Jarek Jarcec Checho (Jarsolav Cecho) as PPMC member. - Released Sqoop version 1.4.1-incubating, with support for Apache Hadoop versions 0.20, 0.23 and 1.0. - Sqoop started its graduation process on February 19th, 2012. Progress on graduation: - Community Vote: PASSED. Vote (1), Result (2) - Incubator PMC Vote: PASSED. Vote (3), Result (4) - During IPMC vote a concern was raised that Sqoop contains deprecated Java source in com.cloudera.sqoop namespace which need be removed before graduation. - Sqoop dev expressed that this code was: - Marked deprecated and retained solely for backward compatibility. - That there was a concrete plan to completely remove it by next major revision, work for which had already started. - That it was not motivated by Cloudera's corporate interests. - The Incubator PMC and Sqoop community reached consensus that: - Sqoop was within its right to retain Java source code in com.cloudera.sqoop namespace to provide backwards compatibility. - And, that it was for the benefit of Sqoop community. - And, that there is no such policy in ASF that Incubator can enforce on any Incubating projects. - And, that if anyone feels that this should be a policy, they must establish it via the proper channel of providing the problem statement, impact of the problem, and solution to the board for consideration. - The draft board resolution that was voted on by IPMC has been submitted to the board for consideration in its next meeting scheduled for March 21, 2012. (1) (2) (3) (4) Signed off by mentor: phunt, olamy, tomwhite -------------------- Syncope Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in enterprise environments, implemented in JEE technology. Syncope joined the incubator on February 10th 2012. Community Development: Project is still too young to have attracted users already. Project Development: New committers accounts have been created, SVN+MLs+JIRA+Confluence+Jenkins+Sonar+Nexus have been enabled, codebase has been imported, development started healthy. Now, we are working towards the first release. Web Site/Communication Development: The website has been created and kept up-to-date according to development: It introduces Syncope and provide first content. Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of: None so far. Signed off by mentors: elecharny, coheigea, simonetripodi -------------------- Wave Incubating since: Dec-2010 Description: Wave is a real-time communication and collaboration tool. Wave in a Box (WIAB) is a server that hosts and federates waves, supports extensive APIs, and provides a rich web client. This project also includes an implementation of the Wave Federation protocol, to enable federated collaboration systems (such as multiple interoperable Wave In a Box instances). Most important issues are: - Building up community. - Bug fixes. Community: The Wave project attracted significant interest recently - probably caused by Google Wave becoming read only. The activity levels on the mailing list are increasing constantly, as well as number of contributors. Project development: - Added waves import from Google Wave. - Added SSL server capabilities. - Bug fixes + improved stability. - Some improvements to UI. There are more features soon to be added to Wave in the review process. Signed off by mentor: --------------------