Apache Kylin : Analytical Data Warehouse for Big Data
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Author: Yiming Xu, Mingming Ge
1. Background: Why Kylin on Parquet
Currently, Kylin uses Apache HBase as the storage for OLAP cubes.
HBase is very fast, while it also has some drawbacks:
- HBase is not real columnar storage;
- HBase has no secondary index; Rowkey is the only index;
- HBase has no encoding, Kylin has to do the encoding by itself;
- HBase does not fit for cloud deployment and auto-scaling;
- HBase has different API versions and has compatible issues (e.g, 0.98, 1.0, 1.1, 2.0);
- HBase has different vendor releases and has compatible issues (e.g, Cloudera's is not compatible with others);
This proposal is to use Apache Parquet + Spark to replace HBase:
- Parquet is an open-source columnar file format;
- Parquet is more cloud-friendly, can work with most FS including HDFS, S3, Azure Blob store, Ali OSS, etc;
- Parquet can integrate very well with Hadoop, Hive, Spark, Impala, and others;
- Support custom index;
- It is mature and stable;
2. Parquet file layouts on HDFS
Storage layout is important for I/O optimizations
Do as much as possible pruning before reading the file
- Filter by folder, file name, etc
Each Cuboid uses a dedicated folder
- Segment A
- Cuboid-1111
- part-0000-XXX.snappy.parquet
- part-0001-XXX.snappy.parquet
- Cuboid-1001
- part-0000-XXX.snappy.parquet
- part-0001-XXX.snappy.parquet
- Cuboid-1111
- Segment B
- Cuboid-1111
- part-0000-XXX.snappy.parquet
- ...
- Cuboid-1111
- Segment A
- Filter by folder is good enough
- Can dynamically add/remove cuboid without impact others (ShaofengShi: Currently Kylin won't dynamically add/remove cuboid)
- Many folders when the cube has many cuboids (ShaofengShi: I think this will bring too many small files, it will increase the burden to HDFS, how can we overcome it?)
3. Dimension/measure layouts in Parquet
- Dimension and measures layouts in parquet files
If there is a dimension combination of [d1, d2, d3] and measures of [m1, m2],then a parquet file like this will be generated:
Columns 1, 2, and 3 correspond to Dimension d1, d2, and d3, respectively
Column 110000 and 110001 respectively correspond to Measure m1, m2 - (ShaofengShi: Is "1", "110000" the column name in parquet? or the column name should be the original column name?)
- (ShaofengShi: How does the "110000" number come? )
Parquet file schema:
110000: OPTIONAL INT64 R:0 D:1
110001: OPTIONAL INT64 R:0 D:1
- "REQUIRED" and "OPTIONAL" correspond to "nullable" in database system.
- Parquet data type includes BOOLEAN, INT32, INT64, INT96, FLOAT, DOUBLE and BYTE_ARRAY. The data with string type in hive will be stored as BYTE_ARRAY in parquet.
How to deal with the order of dimension and measure
- In a parquet file, the order of the columns is always dimension first and measure last
- There is no order between dimensions and between measures
Parquet file split
- parquet.block.size default 128mb
- (ShaofengShi: How many row groups in a parquet file?)
4. Data types mapping in Parquet
- How do you encode the data into a parquet?
- Kylin no longer needs to encode columns
- Parquet will encode needed columns
- All data types can be accurately mapped to Parquet
- Support with ParquetWriteSupport
- StructType ArrayType MapType
- Direct mapping transformation
- Support with ParquetWriteSupport
Type | Spark | Parquet |
Numeric types | ByteType | INT32 |
Numeric types | ShortType | INT32 |
Numeric types | IntegerType | INT32 |
Numeric types | LongType | INT64 |
Numeric types | FloatType | FLOAT |
Numeric types | DoubleType | DOUBLE |
Numeric types | DecimalType | INT32,INT64,BinaryType,FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY |
String type | StringType | BYTE_ARRAY |
Binary type | BinaryType | BYTE_ARRAY |
Boolean type | BooleanType | BOOLEAN |
Datetime type | TimestampType | INT96 |
Datetime type | DateType | INT32 |
- How computed columns are stored
- Bitmap: BYTE_ARRAY
5. How to build Cube into Parquet
- Reduced build steps
- From ten-twenty steps to only two steps
- Build Engine
- Simple and clear architecture
- Spark as the only build engine
- All builds are done via spark
- Adaptively adjust spark parameters
- Dictionary of dimensions no longer needed
- Supported measures
- Sum
- Count
- Min
- Max
- TopN
- Bitmap
- HyperLogLog
- Cube into parquet
(ShaofengShi: this part need detailed info)
6. How to query with Parquet
- Query Engine: Sparder
- Use spark as a calculation tool
- Distributed query engine,avoid single-point-of-failure
- Unified calculation engine for building and querying
- There is a substantial increase in query performance
- Can benefit from spark new features and ecology
- The basic process of Sparder query
- Parser => Sql to AST tree
- Validation => Further verify the validity of SQL based on metadata
- Optimizer => Generate LogicPlan according to optimization rules
- Kylin's Adaptation => Convert AST's nodes to rel nodes(Various classes ending with Rel, such as FilterRel)
- Spark Plan => relnode to Spark plan
- Query Execution => Read cube data based on the generated spark plan
- What are the optimizations of Kylin reading parquet data?
- Segment Pruning
- Shard by
- Parquet page index
- Project Pushdown
- Predicate Pushdown
7. Performance
Kyligence provides dataset tool for SSB and TPC-H which contains test SQL case, the repositories are as follows:
- Environment
- 4 nodes hadoop cluster
- Yarn queue has 400G memory and 128 cpu cores
Build(Over SSB)
Query(Over SSB and TPC-H)