Use JCR Directly
Client code example:
Node node = (Node) session.getItem("/foo/bar"); Node content = node.getNode("jcr:content"); long lastModified = content.getProperty("jcr:lastModified").getLong()
- Advantages
- No Java API definition necessary (content model is API)
- All JCR features can be used
- Disadvantages
- Verbose
- No Lenya-specific code completion
Lenya Publication API
Client code example:
Document doc = session.getDocument("/foo/bar"); long lastModified = doc.getLastModified();
- Open issues
- Object-JCR mapping?
- Advantages
- Minimal amount of client code (not verbose)
- Disadvantages
- With a layered approach (hiding all layers below the publication API), only the repository features exposed by the API can be used
- With a layered approach (hiding all layers below the publication API), only the repository features exposed by the API can be used
Via Sling
- Open issues
- Status of OSGi-fication of Cocoon
- Advantages
- Out-of-the-box features
- REST access for CRUD
- DOJO store from repository content
- Community
- Tools
- Out-of-the-box features