Conference theme: Apache Linkis(incubating) bi-weekly meeting

Meeting time: 2022/06/29 19:30-21:00

Tencent Conference:

Conference number: 396-220-298

Moderator: Zhang HuaJin

1. 【Fixed topic】Apache Linkis incubation & version progress

2. 【Fixed topic】Apache Linkis1.1.1 released

3. 【Fixed topic】Apache Linkis1.1.2 progress synchronization —— Kelu Tao
1.1.2-rc2 version voting in progress

4. 【Fixed topic】Apache Linkis1.1.3 progress synchronization —— Casion
Release manager :Zhiyue Yang.
Release notes:
Test in progress

5. 【Fixed topic】Apache Linkis1.2.0 progress synchronization —— Zhen Wang
Test in progress

6. 【Fixed topic】Apache Linkis1.2.1 progress synchronization —— Hui Zhu
Development in progress

7. 【Fixed topic】Apache Linkis1.3.0 progress synchronization —— Kelu Tao
Development in progress

8. 【Fixed topic】Apache Linkis community operation progress is
synchronized —— Andy
The overall progress of the community this year is as follows:
- contributor: added 0
- committer: added 0
- mail: added 22
- issue: Added 15
- pr: added 16

9. 【Fixed topic】Next meeting host。
Heping Wang will host the next meeting.

10. 【Temporary topic】Developer issues collection.

11. 【Temporary topic】Discussion on MySQL driver in container image making
Voting will be conducted for three schemes: download, self built image and
PG compatibility

12. 【Temporary topic】Invitation to beta test synchronization
Start this week。
Any teams interested can be invited to conduct internal testing.
Interested teams and individual developers are welcome to contact Yin Qiang

13. 【Temporary topic】Issue essay topics
For example, HDP version adaptation.

14. 【Temporary topic】Document modification
The latest version of core functions and planning function tables are added
to the biweekly regular meeting documents.

15. 【Temporary topic】Discussion on script function and data source function
The data source function is added by the administrator and authorized for
users and sub applications.

The script database browsing function plan supports multiple data sources.

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