Model for code management in Apache NiFi Git Repository
- The branch designated 'main' will be for the latest major release line under active development.
- Commits against main should be evaluated for whether they should be applied to other still supported major release lines consistent with the support model for NiFi release lines.
- When a release occurs a signed tag will be generated following the naming convention of 'rel/nifi-x.y.z'
- If an incremental release will be made from a given minor release line then a support branch will be created off that minor release. If the minor release was 'rel/nifi-1.13.0' the support branch created will be 'support/nifi-1.13'. Commits for that support line are added and then once desired a release will be cut such as 'rel/nifi-1.13.1'.
Model for Support of NiFI Release Lines
- We support the current minor release on a given major release line. We would rarely, if ever, go back to previous minor release and conduct a release.
- If we do not have a minor release being produced imminently then all security or data loss related fixes would result in an incremental release on the current minor release line.