Thanks for your interest in helping to vote on a release candidate!
Please review the Project Release Guide for details on the release process and procedures associated with voting.
Download OpenPGP Keys for Signature Verification
wget for Windows can be found here.
Import OpenPGP Keys
gpg --import KEYS
On Windows cmder includes gpg.
[Optional] Clear Local Maven Artifact Repository
rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/*
Verification Steps
Download Source Release Files
export VERSION=2.1.0
Verify OpenPGP Signatures
gpg --verify -v nifi-$
Verify Hashes Match Source Release Files and Vote Email Thread
Run the following commands on Linux or macOS:
shasum -a 512 nifi-$
Run the following commands on Windows:
certutil -hashfile nifi-$ SHA512
Extract Source Release Files
unzip -DD nifi-$
Verify Maven Build with Licensing and Style Checks
Use Maven Wrapper to build using the currently configured Maven version. The Maven Wrapper script is named mvnw for Linux and macOS, and mvnw.cmd for Windows.
cd nifi-$VERSION
On Linux or macOS
./mvnw -T 1C clean install -Pcontrib-check
On Windows
mvnw.cmd -T 1C clean install -Pcontrib-check
Verify Additional Source and Build Artifacts
- Verify the contents contain a good README, NOTICE, and LICENSE
- Verify the git commit ID is correct
- Verify the RC was branched off the correct git commit ID
- Look at the resulting convenience binaries as found in:
- nifi-assembly/target
- nifi-registry/nifi-registry-assembly/target
- nifi-toolkit/nifi-toolkit-assembly/target
- minifi/minifi-assembly/target
- Run the resulting convenience binaries
Send Response to Vote Thread
The team welcomes participation in the release verification process! Project Management Committee members can cast binding votes. All other committers and contributors can cast non-binding votes.
Send a response to the vote thread indicating a +1, 0, -1 based on your findings.
Thank you for your time and effort to validate the release!