What is the status of the Apache licensed files?

Some files have been added and re-licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.  We need to verify the state of these and if they need to be returned to the original header

Here is a dump of all the files with the Apache Header, and all the committers that have touched these files.  Starting with this commit:

commit 5d5878d52d152a80efc8e44f2278066141624f53 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: YAMAMOTO Takashi
Date: Fri Mar 20 15:15:45 2020 +0900


We can get further information on the amount of change to the file that came from the each of the commits which with some processing could provide more guidance on what changes are non-trivial.

rm -rf ./tmp/parallel
mkdir -p ./tmp/parallel
grep -r -l "Apache" | parallel --pipe -N10 '\
while read FILE;\
do REPORT=./tmp/parallel/out_{#}\
&& echo "==========> $FILE" >> $REPORT\
&& git log --numstat --pretty=format:"%an%x09%ae%x09%H" --follow -- "$FILE" >> $REPORT; done'\
&& cat ./tmp/parallel/out_* > ./tmp/parallel/result

Todo scripting

Further Processing of the Results

TODO: The previous script output should be able to be consolidated to gather a running total of the number of changes (additions+deletions) on the files supplied by each committer.

Fossology Priority Tasks:

Identify all of the copyrights detected for a given code section to identify what needs to be included in the disclaimer file as well as which files are not candidates for having the license headers changed


Using the authors.sh and approved-authors.sh scripts, files under sched/ were checked against the committers list.

  • There are 286 total C files ("*.h" and "*.c")
  • 119 have authors that are only on the approved committers list (the current list of committers that should have ICLAs submitted). This file is attached to this page.
  • 167 have authors that are not on the committer list. This means there is at least one non-committer in the git log.


  • No labels


  1. Adam FeuerStarted this here.  You might find the format argument that I am using on the git command to be helpful.  I noticed some odd formatting on the authors.sh script.   

  2. Brennan Ashton Thanks, I updated authors.sh to use a similar format argument.

  3. Brennan Ashton What's the SHA of the commit I should use to do my authors/committers analysis? I'm using HEAD right now. If you tell me, I'll re-run the analysis at that SHA.

  4. ./group/group_setgid.c

    This file is listed in non-approved-committers-files.txt

    The commit history of this file


    All the contributors of this file are committer? Greg and Xiang Xiao are the authors...