Meeting Notes - (against Agenda)

Rob Allen, Matt Rutkowski, Dan Lavine, GD, Jack (Johannes), Kavita, Christian B, Markus Thoemmes, Vadim Raskin, Jeremias Werner, James Dubee, James Thomas, himavanth, Daniel Krook, Mark Peek, Carlos Santana, Lorna Mitchell, Tyson Norris, 3 unidentified mobile callers.

  • Introductions of attendees
    • Areas of interest in OW / describe current work / something interesting about yourself?
  • Open comments on status 
    • (e.g., raise awareness of discussion topics, significant PRs, personal work, etc.) in the following project areas:
      • Rob Allen API dev. legacy DB to web, interest as an observer, perhaps commercially
      • Mark Peek - principal eng.  with VMWare looking at on-prem private cloud serverless. CNCF wg member on Serverless
      • Daniel Krook - on CNCF wg too, dev. advocate for ibm, help build ecosystem at apache level, engage at meetups/confs.
      • Daniel Lavine - cloud tech, Cloud Foundry, OW on Kube work
      • Christian - on controller, HA
      • Markus - OW first ibm proejct, performance
      • Jeremias - init comms. interest in OW on bluemix run at scale / perf
      • Carlos - IBM, RTP, devs on OW team lead, kafka, alarms, open source bg. on Apache Cordova
      • Jack - johannes, SAP in Germany m, PO for team on Serverless, tried to get running (it is!) make it work on Kube
      • James - dev advocate at ibm, in UK, presenting on OW since start of 2016, Serverless FW integration.
      • Lorna Mitchell - dev adv. for IBM, on Cloud-data offerings, user of OW
      • Kavita - Samsung, Seoul, OW platform getting started on Cloud itself
      • Tyson Norris - Adobe, with Dragos, using OW for Adobe branded Serverless environ, depl. on Mesos
    • Main/core OpenWhisk
      • Jeremias - focus on stability 
        • performance, squeeze as much throughput, scaling
        • ecosystem - carlos and team int. with kafka, Cloudant and add. runtimes
      • Markus:
        • last few weeks, invoker reactive, lots of testing in our pipeline
        • look forward to make changes.. look at new one, old one going away
        • switched arch of invoker, on Akka actors, reactive manifesto, based upon events
        • other change, round robin invokers after 15 invokers, new algo. more sophisticated, see source code, load balancing in OW need to max container reuse and caching, that is what we did.
      • Jeremias: any tests for future (to Markus)?
      • Markus - open source perf #s and tests, this is next on my list, know adobe
        • scala load test tool, looking for comments. Perhaps will ask on "dev" list
      • Matt - Saw some interesting PRs....
        • Nuke Consul, PHP runtime (first from comm.), Thanks Rob,
          • Know Kube / Mesos communities watching the Nuke Consul one as well
      • Jeremias - Consul props. /health checks, not useful anymore, move props in Docker env.
      • Carlos - on PHP thank Rob for being brave to reverse engineering new runtime, not PHP expert but looking at PR, add tests, if pass then it will go in.
        • Rob already rebased it, there is a manifest in Ansible, Rodric did most of work, i made it more flexible, was a hardcoded list of runtimes, now we parse Ansible props or vars. to drive that work.  Better control which runtimes we control in which in envs.
        • In Bluemix, we have lots of Ansible envs. it is helpful to make this flexible (drive thrpugh manifest file)
      • Rob - the kind thing works quite well, there is a bit of opaqueness how we go from PR to merge…
        • other than bug fixes, the OW project in general there is more clarity, no idea who to ask about processes.
        • Think it works well
      • Rob - plan to add notes to documents on how to persist them, notes on dev. list and keeping “kinds” up-to-date, need to make sure they are kept up and remove old ones.  Need more contribs on dev list.
      • Matt - Thanks again Rob
        • Note: this is one reason we need to look at public playground to test these and other PRs, perhaps after we figure out releases/automation
        • Christian - controller scale out work details
        • today cannot deploy 2 controllers together, they have a memory  cache that does not work well.
        • had PR a few weeks ago
        • 2nd step to share the state and cache, currently working on cache invalidation (want to keep in mem. for latency). Leverage
      • Vadim - main change for the shared states, all in one Akka cluster.  Akka cluster/framework
        • mult. controller share ? and repl. with each other
      • Jeremias - look to leverage Couch or Cloudant DBs as part of this work, please reach out to Christian or myself if interested.
    • Kube/Mesos/Compose (Deployment)
      • Daniel - the Nuke consul PR, we are watching
        • actually started on making COnsul optional to comps. built my own Docker from that, but if this PR goes through, we rebased master from it and created Docker images to see what happens and is now able to deploy eerything via YAML files, no Ansible at all
        • couple things odd, 
          • creating Kafka topics, there have been PRs to adjust settings on topics
          • comps could reg. themselves (in past) but with more ability to config. more on these topics.
      • Tyson - have been out of office, but recently we have been doing more exp. with Meso to launch containers, from point of view of load balancer, working well so far. working with locus (focus) IO?
        • looking to clean up and share (via PR), simultan. an engineer is cleaning up DTOS depl. so that kafka and couch db get deployed on DCOS for standing up new envs.
        • all going well, my sched. and ongoing work have delayed this some, but should be out there soon.
    • API Gateway
      • Matt: Matt Hamann said he would be here today, perhaps will see if we can get more API Gateway ppl here for next call.
      • no updates
    • Catalog/Packages/Samples
      • Matt - Priti has new proposed sample Slack daily digest to Email (specifically Apache dev list)
    • Tooling/Utilities
      • Matt - Apache RAT tool to be integrated starting in August to scan for 3rd party licenses
        • wskdeploy - testing, manifests for all catalog packages, markdown of spec.
        • registry - goal for end of year (distributed)
  • Prepared agenda topics
    • None scheduled, as yet.
  • Solicit topics for next call from attendees
    •  <request topics for discussion or education be posted to “dev” list>
    • Educational: “how does this component work?”, “how to debug X?”, etc.
      • Invoker reactive (Markus)
      • Trace request through Controller-Invoker and not persistence/logging/artifacts created. (Markus)
      • How to submit PRs / test? (Carlos)  - idea from Rob
      • Help with PHP Runtime (Rob//Lorna/Carlos)?
      • Others? Matt to solicit via "dev" list
  • Feature / idea discussion: 
    • **non-binding** discussion of anyone’s ideas to make any part of the project code “better”, more “pluggable” or integratable, etc.
  • Confirm moderator for next call (i.e., Wed. August 2nd) 
    • Markus Thoemmes will moderate and provide his Zoom info on the "dev" list and in Slack.

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