
  • Vincent is moderating today

  • Last meeting was: on 2019-05-19 (Justin hosted)

  • Attendees: Matt, Vincent, Justin, James, Justin, Priti, Tyson, Dave, Chetan

  • Regrets: Rodric

Find referenced slides here:

Introductions of new attendees

  • None


  • Recurring Agenda topics

    • Updates on major modules:

      • No update

    • Scheduled Topics

      • AMQP providers (James)

        • New provider being worked on by James

        • James: presented earlier his “pluggable” event provider which this is based on.

        • James: 90% code from common provider… (showed this base code README)

        • James: couple weeks ago decided to tackle AMQP

          • RabbiMQ, ActiveMQ, loads of other queue providers use this protocol

        • James: plans to move onto Redis (via pub-sub mechanism it supports), also new feature “streams” as kafka has (new in Redis 5)

          • hopes to have this completed in a few weeks

        • James: these exercises have helped identify bugs that he has fixed in the pluggable provider.

        • James: also added Helm charts for the AMQP provider in the “deploy kube” repo.

        • James: still working on build/push images to Docker(Hub) so we can reference it in testing.

        • If all goes well with this Helm chart plans to add charts for other providers

        • Vincent: should we convert old providers to use the plug-in provider model?

        • James: may be a good idea to discuss (some discussion earlier when pluggable discussed), but still needs more testing (used in production) before replacing known providers used in production by users

      • Fixed Go and Ruby runtimes to conform to image tagging convention (Vincent):
      • Graduation:
        • Trademark: domain name transfer. Touch base with legal team.
        • Short header. Go thru all repos, changing from short to full headers.
        • Docker images: clarity added to describe. Issue with latest tag(nightly instead), pull and push with new tag, like nightly; License header; description.
      • Demo of NodeJS runtime "pulling" GitHub application source as part of Knative build (Priti)
        • Nodejs runtime with Knative: pre-process added, knative pulls repos, runtime nodejs loads the dependencies
        • build into tekton pipeline
        • James: how does Knative build affect this work as I understand that there is uncertainty on that project
        • Matt: Knative build is trying to deprecate itself; unsure how to do that as there are no governance processes/rules around this as Google has not set any up
        • Matt: we expect the worst (i.e., they will delete the repo.) and have asked Priti if she might want to see if this work can be migrated easily to Tekton (which was Knative Build v2.0 before separating from Knative project)
        • Vincent: should be easy; similar concepts they use "tasks", etc. but similar process flow
        • Matt: yes, Tekton would be a component OW would want to use as we seek to create more complex build pipelines to build images for different roles like developer, tester, operations/production with different (multiple source repos.) with different tooling/functionality "baked in" using the same runtime base image and build process.
      • Vincent will end early and give 20 mins. back to everyone

Confirm moderator for next call

  • James has volunteered, for the 2019-06-26 meeting

  • adjourn 10:40 AM US Central

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