Eclipse Tools
- Code style profile
- Code cleanup profile
- Application launcher plugin (Eclipse Pivot Plugin):
put it under the eclipse dropins folder, and start eclipse. Chosing any bxml file and right click it and then chose Run As \ Pivot Script Application.
Note that the main content of the bxml file to launch must be a Window or a Frame, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
Eclipse Workspace
The simplest way to work with Pivot sources in a Eclipse workspace is to download them from the trunk (from eclipse, with a SVN plugin already installed, or from the OS Shell with another SVN Client like TortoiseSVN), and then inside Eclipse chose File \ Import \ Existing Projects into Workspace , and select the folder of the downloaded trunk, then select all Pivot projects. Note that it's not necessary to copy them inside the workspace folder.
To have the same setting of Pivot Developers, it's useful to import inside eclipse the following cleanup and formatting preferences (to be done only one time in any workspace). Open eclipse Preferences, then:
- Java \ Code Style \ Cleanup , then Import and chose the Code cleanup profile file from your disk (pivot_cleanup.xml) and Apply
- Java \ Code Style \ Formatter, then Import and chose the Code style profile file from your disk (pivot_style.xml) and Apply
Pivot uses some classes that are not published inside the usual list of jars of the JDK / JRE (some classes from the Java Plugin and some form Java Web Start), so inside eclipse the simpler way is to open eclipse Preferences, then:
Java \ Installed JREs , chose the current JDK / JRE , Edit, then Add External Jars and chose plugin.jar and javaws.jar from the jre/lib folder inside that JDK / JRE, then Finish and Ok. Then a full build of all sources is done, and all should be good.
Note that the examples project contains some Scala sources, so to build/run it from eclipse you need the latest Scala Plugin for eclipse.
Adding javaws.jar and plugin.jar to Eclipse classpath on Mac OS X
Apple moved the javaws.jar and plugin.jar files to /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Resources/Deploy.bundle/Contents/Home/lib in Java 6. Eclipse does not (currently) support traversing into bundles, so it is not possible to use the Eclipse GUI to add these libraries to the default JDK classpath. However, they can be manually added by editing the libraryInfos.xml configuration file:
Add entries for javaws.jar and plugin.jar to the <libraryInfo> elements for JDK 1.6/1.6.0:
<entry path="/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Resources/Deploy.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/plugin.jar"/>
<entry path="/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Resources/Deploy.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/javaws.jar"/>