Review-then-commit (RTC) for code
- Changes to REEF's code must have an associated JIRA item.
- REEF uses review-then-commit (RTC). Code contributions must be reviewed by a committer before they are merged.
- The actual merge does not have to be done by the committer that reviewed it.
- Code contributions are accepted only via Pull Requests on GitHub. See the Contributor's Guide for details.
Source: Standing practice in REEF as of 2016-03-21
Commit-then-review (CTR) for Documentation
Documentation updates to non-code files can be committed by any committer with no review requirement.
However, it is up to the committer to decide whether they'd like the change to be reviewed as above
The documentation updates must include "[Documentation] A short summary" as the first line in the commit.
Source: Vote concluded on the dev list on 2016-03-21.