When a contributor has been with REEF community for a while and is ready to move to the next level: committer. There is a nice guide to that process on the Apache Community Site, these are our own additions and notes on that for the REEF project:
TODO for existing committers
- When a contributor is ready to become a committer, please send a [DISCUSS] email to private@ to get the discussion started.
- Once the discussion has come to a conclusion, send a [VOTE] email to the private@ list to get the vote started. Leave 72h for people to vote.
TODO for new committer
- Choose a preferred user name to be used with @apache.org
- Submit an Individual Contributor License Agreement as described at http://www.apache.org/licenses/#clas
- Once you're notified that ICLA has been filed, confirm this to project PMC so that they can proceed with account creation
- Follow the instructions in the "Welcome to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF)!" email you'll get after account creation to set password and (if needed) forwarding email address
- Update your git config to use @apache.org as user.email instead of previously used
- Add yourself to the list of committers at http://reef.apache.org/team.html (as described at Updating the website for a new release; see https://github.com/apache/reef/pull/365 for example)
- Subscribe to private mailing list used for discussions of new committers, project graduation etc.
- (optional) Subscribe to get notifications about new pull requests by watching repository https://github.com/apache/reef