Meeting #1

Date :  26th November, 2018  15:00 Beijing Time

Agenda : 

  1. Discussions
    1. Saga git repo name change
    2. TCC example 
  2. Project Updates/RoadMap/New Feature updates 
    1. Saga


  1.  Rename saga git repo name change to pack, and created sage-actuator repo for old saga-core related modules

Attendees : Jiang Ning, Feng Zheng,Zhao Jun, Yang Yi

Meeting #2

Date :  10th December, 2018  15:00 Beijing Time

Agenda : 

     1. Release Plan of ServiceComb Saga and Pack

     2. Common issues of ServiceComb Pack recently.

       a. Timeout issue #346 of the Saga compensation, we need to find a way to check the states of omega.

          (Application code need to make sure it can handle the service invocation itself.)

       b. Saga End issue need to be updated

       c. ShardingSphere call the saga-core to executor the SQL need to commit first.  


     1. Release servicecomb-saga-actuator 0.3.0 around 14th Dec for ShardingSphere integration.           

Attendees : Jiang Ning, FengZheng,  Zhao Jun, Yang Yi

Zoom Meeting Link :

Meeting #3

Date :  24th December, 2018  15:00 Beijing Time

Agenda : 

     1. Release Plan of ServiceComb Pack

        Release servicecomb pack 0.3.0 before 29th Dec, we need to figure out if there still any other issue need to be resolved before release.

        Zhao Jun started a discussion about TCC remain issues in the dev list.

     2. Common issues of ServiceComb Pack recently

       a. Timeout issue #346 of the Saga compensation, we need to find a way to check the states of omega.

          The SCB-1057 has tracked this issue and it looks like that we need to define the different exception to indicate the compensate status, such as

  1. OmegaCompensateException which has the two status value at least.
    1. COMPENSATING means that the compensate method can not be finished currently and the alpha needs to re-invoke it later.

    2. COMPENSATE_FAIL means that the compensate method is invoked and the result is FAIL. The alpha no need to invoke it anymore and
      must mark the transaction with the fail status.
  2. The alpha server needs to  check this exception.
    1. if the exception.status == COMPENSATING, it should put the compensate call in the queue and re-invoke it later.

       b. Saga End issue need to be updated

           We need to find a way to handle the timeout issue on Omega side or let the Alpha send the callback of Saga End event to Omega.

       c. ShardingSphere Proxy performance test with the saga-actuator.  

          Here is the discussion in the mailing list. 

Attendees : Jiang Ning, Feng Zheng,Zhao Jun, Yang Yi

Zoom Meeting Link :

Meeting #4

Probable Date :  7th January , 2019  15:00 Beijing Time

Agenda : 

     1.  The development plan post Pack 0.3.0

  •  Alpha Service instance discovery.
  •  Fix the timeout issue.
  •  Saga Actuator should do the sql commit once the transactions is submitted.

     2. Common issues of ServiceComb Pack recently

  •  TCC participate message issue.


Attendees : Feng Zheng,Jiang Ning,Yang Yi,Zhao Jun, Zhang Liang

Zoom Meeting Link :

Meeting #5

Probable Date :  21st January , 2019  15:00 Beijing Time

Agenda : 

     1.  The development plan post Pack 0.3.0

  • Alpha Service instance discovery.
  • TCC timeout implementation
  • Saga Actuator development.
  • LRA implementation (Client and Server)

     2. Common issues of ServiceComb Pack recently

  • The usage of OmegaContextAware
  • Cluster and EventScanner 
  • Saga Actuator --confirm rollback


Attendees : Feng Zheng,Jiang Ning,Yang Yi,Zhao Jun

Zoom Meeting Link :

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