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Components list
JBI components included in this release:
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-bean
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-camel
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-cxf-bc
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-cxf-se
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-drools
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-eip
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-file
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-ftp
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-http
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-jms
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-jsr181
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-mail
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-osworkflow
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-quartz
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-script
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-scripting
- Version 2009.01 of the standard ServiceMix shared library
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-smpp
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-snmp
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-truezip
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-validation
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-vfs
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-wsn2005
- Version 2009.01 of servicemix-xmpp
This release also includes:
You can use it together with
- Version 4.0 of the Maven plugins
- Version 2008.01 of the archetypes
Release notes
Release Notes - ServiceMix - Version 3.3.1
- SM-1438 - Exceptions while shutting down ServiceMix
- SM-1456 - Statistics Service throws NPE on startup.
- SM-1521 - Released version of archetype-catalog is corrupt
- SM-1654 - Format of the Message cannot be different than XML within Camel
- SM-1657 - Auto-enlistment should only occur when transactions status is ACTIVE
- SM-1685 - The DeliveryChannel does not recognize the new MessageExchangeListener interface
- SM-1712 - ExchangeListener is called with exchangeSent instead of exchangeAccepted when using sendSync
- SM-1713 - servicemix common component should be moved before deployable as servicemix-lwcontainer need it. (this was fixed in 3.2 but not on trunk)
- SM-1719 - org.apache.servicemix.jdbc.JDBCAdapter : bug in Statements and add of new functionnality doLoadData
- SM-1749 - Incorrect Logger name creation in ComponentContextImpl
- SM-1761 - AutoDeployment stops working after x deployments
- SM-1766 - servicemix-web sample in Servicemix 3 trunk is broken because of the removal of ManagedHttpServlet from servicemix-http component.
- SM-1773 - xercesImpl and xml-apis conflict when running inside Jboss
- SM-1791 - org.apache.servicemix.jbi.framework.InstallerMBeanImpl is missing bootstrap.init() call on uninstall phase which is required as per JBI specs.
- SM-1818 - invoking stop on SA in SHUTDOWN state brings it to STOPPED state
- SM-1819 - jms archetypes generate extra http:// for xmlns:xsi namespace.
- SM-1820 - Almost all archetypes generate extra http:// for xmlns:xsi namespace.
- SM-1824 - BUG in JDK6 ReentrantReadWriteLock can cause SMX hang when redeploy SA
- SM-1827 - servicemix-camel-service-unit archetype depends on non-existent servicemix-camel jbi-component
- SM-1835 - whitespace interfering with ResolvedEndpoint.resolveEndpoint()
- SM-1845 - keystore.jks should be filtered during distribution package
- SM-1853 - ClassCast exception in ClassLoaderXmlPreprocessor
- SM-1302 - Make failover:// transport the default protocol used in ServiceMix.
- SM-1317 - Add a system property to change CXF to use Log4J instead of JUL
- SM-1360 - Add a reference to the XSD in the archetype-generated xbean.xml files
- SM-1573 - Use of useJBIWrapper flag in smx-cxf-bc consumer and smx-http soap-consumer endpoints is inconsistent
- SM-1607 - JBI container should be able to initialize all SAs first and then start them
- SM-1621 - New JMS in/out provider should support temporary queues/topics (as reply destinations)
- SM-1659 - should filter the version for kit_camel_example_pom.xml which is used in kit
- SM-1660 - add createDaemonExecutor api for ExecutorFactory
- SM-1688 - update classworlds version from 1.0.1 to 1.1
- SM-1717 - getError() shouldn't return a null exception in case of sendSync timeout
- SM-1808 - Back port the patch of SMXCOMP-455 to SMX 3.2 branch
- SM-1810 - should use new activemq namsespace instead of the old one
- SM-1817 - Publish components schema files as part of the distribution in a schemas/ directory
- SM-1822 - Add JMS connection credentials to JCAFlow
- SM-1839 - Main entry improvement to allow run by procrun as Windows Service
- SM-1843 - pick up new added bridge-camel sample in the distribution kit
- SM-1848 - add client.html for wsn-http-binding example
- SM-1870 - Upgrade to Geronimo 2.0.2
New Feature
- SM-1756 - add CXFManagedServlet to apache-servicemix-web to enable servicemix-cxf-bc endpoint deploy into servlet container without starting jetty
- SM-1782 - Add JBoss Deployer to platforms module
- SM-1856 - Add archetype for servicemix-smpp component
- SM-1723 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.2.0
- SM-1846 - add wsn-cxfbc-binding example
- SM-1867 - upgrade to spring 2.5.6
- SM-1306 - Improve success ratio of timing sensitive tests
- SM-1811 - bridge-sa-itest failed due to missing activemq-camel dependency
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For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the changelog