9 AM PST/12 PM US East
Notification thread
Meeting Link
Meetup link (confirm participation and conference link):
Meeting notes and agenda (this page):
Conference link:
- Host:Alejandro Arrieta
Discussion Topics (to be confirmed):
- Christopher Ball wishes to share an early UI on a Solr "IDE" / data explorer. (from the previous meeting)
- Raghavan Muthuregunathan : (link) Integration with LLM orchestration libraries eg. haystack, langchain, llama_index, (all of them have elastic integration already)
- Alejandro Arrieta & David Smiley : Newsletter
- Alejandro Arrieta : Solr advocate or making noise about Solr in social media and other places.
- David Smiley Eric Pugh Jason Gerlowski Alessandro Benedetti Atita Arora Anyone who attended: Solr Hackathon, Solr BoF during Community over Code 2023
- David Smiley Eric Pugh Alessandro Benedetti Jason Gerlowski BoF Community over Code 2023 proposal:
We should also periodically monitor open/closed Pull Request rates and raise an alert if certain Pull Requests are ignored for too long.
We probably should review periodically open Pull Requests, this should happen at meetups or when meeting at conferences.
Summary of Solr/Lucene Birds of Feather at Apache Community over Code 2023: - Finally, anyone can present or ask questions if time is available.