Besides the great pointers on the IntegratingSolr page, libraries integrating Solr have their own unique challenges that the rest of the computer programming world is advised to steer clear of.
How to index MaRC records into Solr
- code4lib community maintained wiki of pointers and tips for working with MaRC with Solr
- SolrMarc is a Java solution used by both Blacklight and VuFind, available at
- Terry Reese has a video of how to use MarcEdit in this way: MARC -%3E Solr via MarcEdit
- You can also use marc4j's command-line utilities to convert binary marc records to MARCXML, and use XSLT to convert these to solr add documents, but be warned that this process is significantly slower than other methods mentioned here.
Library Catalogs (OPACs) based on Solr
- Blacklight: (Ruby on Rails)
- fac-back-opac: (Django/Python)
- Next-L:
- VuFind: (PHP)
Other resources
- There are many people on the code4lib mailing list or on the #code4lib irc channel who have tackled this issue and would be happy to help.