Wanted: Better Documentation
SpamAssassin's documentation is often not in great shape.
Committers like to write code, and often forget to update the documenation to correspond with the new code. Much of the documentation we have in the SpamAssassin distribution is very old, and is badly in need of some tender love and care.
In addition, the committers are not exactly average users. The documentation should be written with the average user in mind, and it's often quite difficult for committers to figure out what's missing from an explanation or even what explanations are necessary.
How can I help?
Glad you asked!
I've copied all our "Documentation" files into the wiki here. Please read through them and edit the files as you see fit to try to make it better, in any way. Periodically, I (or another committer) will go through these editted versions and update our copy in SVN to reflect the changes. For more information about how to use the wiki, see CollaborativeManual.
If you have general comments or suggestions or if you have a proposal for restructuring the way our documentation is laid out, post to this page – BetterDocumentation GeneralDiscussion.