Errors about 'Can't call method "bgsend" on an undefined value'
The following errors are indicative:
Failed to run [SOMERULENAME] RBL SpamAssassin test, skipping: (Can't call method "bgsend" on an undefined value at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.2/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line 112. )
for example –
Jul 26 12:43:36 cain mimedefang-multiplexor[80550]: Slave 0 stderr: Failed to run __RFC_IGNORANT_ENVFROM RBL SpamAssassin test, skipping: (Can't call method "bgsend" on an undefined value at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.2/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line 112. ) > Jul 26 12:43:36 cain mimedefang-multiplexor[80550]: Slave 0 stderr: Failed to run NO_DNS_FOR_FROM RBL SpamAssassin test, skipping: (Can't call method "bgsend" on an undefined value at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.2/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line 141. ) > Jul 26 12:43:36 cain mimedefang-multiplexor[80550]: Slave 0 stderr: Failed to run DNS_FROM_AHBL_RHSBL RBL SpamAssassin test, skipping: (Can't call method "bgsend" on an undefined value at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.2/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line 112. )
Charles Sprickman notes: 'Quick answer if you're running FreeBSD and using Net::DNS from ports... Install the p5-IO-INET6-2.01 port or package. I ran into this, and I checked with Daniel and it worked for him as well. It appears someone missed that as a dependancy on the latest Net::DNS port.'
JustinMason: this can also occur on non-MIMEdefang setups, I think, and may even be an issue on non-FreeBSD platforms.