Stats Plugin
NOTE: This module requires SpamAssassin 3.1+
Stats Plugin provides real-time statistics genereated by SpamAssassin. Statistics are stored inside of a MySQL table (defined as stats) which contains the following information:
$day $username $domain $ham $spam
Each entry is rotated daily, meaning when the day changes a new entry is placed into the table with the new date and the following fields are set to zero: ham, spam.
To Begin Using
To begin using the Stats Plugin you will need to create a table for the plugin to write to. Here is the necessary schema:
Warning: The code below is only compatible with MySQL 4.1+! (Just like most of the SQL code for SpamAssassin 3.1)
If you are using MySQL 4.0 and below you can download the old plugin, which contains a possible race condition here.
CREATE TABLE stats ( day date NOT NULL default'', username varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', domain varchar(100) default '', spam int(20) default '0', ham int(20) default '0', PRIMARY KEY (day,username,domain) ) TYPE=MyISAM
Once the table has been created you will need to add the following options into your or other configuration file:
- You will need to replace the following variables with settings for your configuration*
# Configure SQL for statistical storage use_stats 1 user_stats_dsn DBI:mysql:spamassassin_beta:sql_hostname user_stats_sql_username sql_username user_stats_sql_password sql_password user_stats_sql_table sql_table
Then the plugin will need to be added to your init.pre or other .pre file:
# Stats Plugin - store stats in a MySQL DB # loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Stats
Finally, we need to put the plugin inside of the SpamAssassin plugin directory. You can copy the code below, but I would recommend downloading it from my site.
=head1 NAME package Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Stats - Keep Real Time SpamAssassin Stastics =head1 SYNOPSIS loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Stats use_stats 1 user_stats_dsn DBI:mysql:spamassassin_beta:sql_hostname user_stats_sql_username sql_user user_stats_sql_password sql_pass user_stats_sql_table stats =head1 DESCRIPTION This SpamAssassin plugin records real-time, user-level statistics. The statistics are stored inside of a MySQL database and are rotated daily. Each entry inside the table contains the current date, user, domain, number of hams (legitimate mail) and the number of spams (unsolicited mail). =cut package Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Stats; use strict; use warnings; use bytes; use Mail::SpamAssassin; use Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin); sub new { my ($class, $mailsa) = @_; $class = ref($class) || $class; my $self = $class->SUPER::new($mailsa); bless ($self, $class); $self->set_config($mailsa->{conf}); $self; } sub set_config { my ($self, $conf) = @_; my @cmds = (); push (@cmds, { setting => 'use_stats', default => 1, type => $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_NUMERIC, }); push (@cmds, { setting => 'user_stats_dsn', type => $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_STRING, }); push (@cmds, { setting => 'user_stats_sql_username', type => $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_STRING, }); push (@cmds, { setting => 'user_stats_sql_password', type => $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_STRING, }); push (@cmds, { setting => 'user_stats_sql_table', type => $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_STRING, }); $conf->{parser}->register_commands(\@cmds); } sub check_end { my ($self, $params) = @_; my $pms = $params->{permsgstatus}; return 0 unless ($pms->{conf}->{use_stats}); dbg("stats: Executing stats-plugin"); my $dsn = $self->{main}->{conf}->{user_stats_dsn}; if (!defined($dsn)) { dbg("stats: no DSN specified; HALT!"); return 1; } require DBI; my $main = $self->{main}; my $dbuser = $main->{conf}->{user_stats_sql_username}; my $dbpass = $main->{conf}->{user_stats_sql_password}; my $table = $main->{conf}->{user_stats_sql_table}; my $f_spam = 'spam'; my $f_ham = 'ham'; my $f_username = 'username'; my $f_domain = 'domain'; my $f_day = 'day'; my $isspam; my $user; my $domain; my $username = $self->{main}->{username}; $username = lc($username); my $score = $pms->{score}; my $required_score = $main->{conf}->{required_score}; dbg("stats: Splitting $username based on @"); ($user,$domain) = split /@/,$username; if (!defined($domain)) { $domain = ''; } dbg("stats: User: $user Domain: $domain"); dbg("stats: Message Score: $score out of $required_score"); if ($score >= $required_score ) { $isspam = 1; } else { $isspam = 0; } dbg("stats: IsSpam is $isspam"); my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass, {'PrintError' => 0}); if ($dbh) { &execute_stats($user, $domain, $dbh, $table, $f_spam, $f_ham, $f_username, $f_domain, $f_day, $isspam); $dbh->disconnect(); } else { die "stats: SQL error: " . DBI->errstr . "\n"; } 0; } sub execute_stats { my ($user, $domain, $dbh, $table, $f_spam, $f_ham, $f_username, $f_domain, $f_day, $isspam) = @_; my $column = ($isspam) ? $f_spam : $f_ham; my $sql = "INSERT into $table set $f_day = curdate(), $f_username='$user', $column=1"; $sql .= ", $f_domain='$domain'" if $domain; $sql .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE $column = $column + 1"; dbg("stats: config: SQL executing $sql"); my $rv = $dbh->do($sql); if ($rv) { dbg("stats: Updated $column for $user $domain"); } else { die "stats: SQL error: " . $dbh->errstr . "\n"; } } 1;
Use this plugin at your own risk. I cannot guarantee it will not cause you issues!
If you have any problems with this plugin, suggestions, or would like to submit modifications to it please contact me at:
jamesk at okeating dot net