Platform Information

The .NET Framework provides a base set of class libraries that can be used in general purpose programming on Windows based systems. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a subset of this Framework that can be used for creating interoperable web services. WCF services can be hosted inside a .NET console application, Windows application, Windows service, or inside Internet Information Services (IIS). IIS is a component of Windows that can host web applications and web services. It is an optional component in the "Professional" versions of Microsoft's Operating Systems, and Microsoft's Windows Server Operating Systems.

Implementation Status

The .NET implementation of the Stonehenge StockTrader Sample Application is available in the trunk. It currently contains an implementation of the StockTrader Client, the StockTrader Business Service, the StockTrader Order Processor Service, the StockTrader Configuration Service, the StockTrader Active Security Token Service (STS), and the StockTrader Passive Security Token Service (STS).

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