<AS_HOME> refers to <Auto-scaler_HOME> in Apache Stratos context.

Update the following configuration files in Auto-scaler:

  1. Update the Auto-scaler offset port in the carbon.xml  file, which is found in the <AS_HOME>/repository/conf/ directory as follows: 


    The default Auto-scaler offset value in Apache Stratos is 3. The resulting Auto-scaler HTTP port is 9446.

  2. Update the values of the message-broker-ip and message-broker-port in the jndi.properties file, which is in the <AS_HOME>/repository/conf/ directory. The default values are message-broker-ip=localhost and message-broker-port=61616.

  3. Update the cloud-controller-ip, cloud-controller-port, stratos-manger-ip and stratos-manager-port values in the autoscaler.xml file, which is in the  <AS_HOME>/repository/conf/ directory.
    The default values will be cloud-controller-ip=localhost, cloud-controller-port=9444, stratos-manger-ip=localhost and stratos-manager-port=9445.


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