The code for the UI can be found on GitHub in the UI directory
- NodeJS + NPM (tested with v12+/ v6+)
- Docker + Docker-Compose
- You can use the IDE of your choice
Development Environment
Set-Up StreamPipes Backend
Clone Installer [Link]
Prepare Installer# SSH git clone # HTTPS git clone # switch to development branch git checkout dev
Open CLI directory
Prepare Installercd installer cd cli
Configure StreamPipes for UI development
Prepare Installer./streampipes env --set ui # Updates the file 'system'. All StreamPipes services required for UI development are selected
Start StreamPipes backend
Prepare Installer# Downloads all docker images and starts StreamPipes backend ./streampipes up -d
Set-Up UI
Go to 'ui' directory
Prepare Installercd ui
Install npm dependencies
Prepare Installernpm install # for NPM > v7, run npm install --legacy-peer-deps
Start the UI
Prepare Installernpm start