Consistent Hashing

This project is to add a consistent hashing method to the parent selection feature.

This project consists of 3 main parts:

Hashing functions in libts (TSHash)

We need a general hash function implementation. There is already an open Jira to coalesce the FNV implementations with comments on a single API for all hashes.

I'm proposing a generic base class similar to this:

#ifndef __TS_HASH_H__
#define __TS_HASH_H__

#include <cstddef>

struct TSHash {
    virtual void update(const void *data, size_t len) {}
    virtual const void *final(void) { return NULL; }
    virtual const void *get(void) { return NULL; }
    virtual size_t size(void) { return 0; }
    virtual void reset(void) {}
    virtual ~TSHash() {}


All hash implementations should inherit from this and implement this interface in addition to any specific functionality needed.

Consistent Hashing Class in libts (TSConsistentHash)

We would like to add a consistent hashing class to libts.

  • Should take a weight
  • Should take a mutliplier

Add consistent hash mode to parent selection (

We should add a consistent hash method to the various round robin methods in parent.config. This should utilize the Consistent Hash class from the previous item.

Required Features:

  • Hash on full path (no host or query string or fragments, etc)
  • Deactivate node after N failures
  • Have health check that monitors deactivated nodes for reactivation after N successful connects
  • Make health check pluggable (New hook?)
  • Be able to administratively deactivate a node

Add plugin API's for hash functions and consistent hash

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