Apache Turbine Project Board Report, May 2017
Apache Turbine is a servlet based framework that allows experienced Java developers to quickly build web applications. Turbine allows you to personalize the web sites and to use user logins to restrict access to parts of your application.
Turbine is a matured and well established framework that is used as the base of many other projects.
The Turbine project has had low levels of activity this quarter.
The Turbine project has no board-level issues at this time.
Community changes
No new committers were voted in since the last board report.
The last change to the committer base was the addition of Georg Kallidis (2012/09/19).
No new PMC members were voted in since the last board report.
The last change to the PMC was the addition of Georg Kallidis (2013/09/30).
Turbine core project
No releases have been done this quarter. The latest released component was the Turbine4 Webapp Archetype, version 1.0.1 (2017/01/25)
Fulcrum component project
No releases have been done this quarter. The latest released component was Fulcrum Intake, Version 1.2.2 (2016/12/18) A new version of the Fulcrum Security component is being prepared.