DVSL examples – at some point these might be added to the Velocity DVSL documentation.
Java Streams makes DVSL usable in any Java App:
PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter(); DVSL dvsl = new DVSL(); Reader in = new InputStreamReader(System.in); dvsl.setStylesheet("e:/xdocs/example1.dvsl"); in = new FileReader("e:/xdocs/example1.xml"); dvsl.transform(in, out); out.flush();
String realPath = this.getServletContext().getRealPath( "/" ); DVSL dvsl = new DVSL(); String inFile = request.getParameter( "inFile" ); String styleFile = request.getParameter( "styleFile" ); dvsl.setStylesheet( realPath + styleFile ); Reader in = new FileReader( realPath + inFile ); Writer out = new BufferedWriter( response.getWriter() ); dvsl.transform( in, out ); out.flush();
String realPath = this.getServletContext().getRealPath( "/" ); DVSL dvsl = new DVSL(); URL inURL = new URL( "http://www.server.com/weather.xml" ); String styleFile = request.getParameter( "styleFile" ); dvsl.setStylesheet( realPath + styleFile ); URLConnection uConnection = inURL.openConnection(); uConnection.connect(); InputStream is = uConnection.getInputStream(); Writer out = new BufferedWriter( response.getWriter() ); dvsl.transform( is, out ); out.flush();