Blog Tutorial is an example of Spring & JPA-Hibernate usage in a Wicket web-app.
- The database is an in-memory HSQLDB DB - In this example, the schema gets generated automatically everytime the app starts up.
- Hooking up to a different database is a simple matter of editing src/resources/persistence.xml in the tutorialWicketSpringJPAHibernateCore application.
Date: 08 January 2008
Author: Nino Martinez ~ nino.martinez at
Currently the tutorial has 6 labs, where a solution to the preceding lab can be found in the current lab. Simply checkout from svn and start fixing the failures in tests. Note Lab1 is harder than intended
svn (I am aware of the typo)
Comments can be sent to nino.martinez at
*Make a switch for Spring context, and create a instance of webapplication for wickettester to use.