Recently I had to migrate a big web application from Wicket 1.1.1 to 1.2.1. I was using the contrib-dojo Tooltip class, which doesn't work with 1.2, so I had to find another solution. I found Igor's suggestions for tooltips and chose to go with "Sweet Titles".
Sweet titles is great, but the problem is that it automatically attaches tooltips to all <a>, <abbr> and <acronym> tags (correct me if I'm wrong, but I am sure about the <a> tag). I didn't want that, though. I needed tooltips for checkboxes, and I needed to explicitly say which element should show a tooltip and which element shouldn't. So I altered the sweetTitles.js a bit and this is what I came up with:
A quick and hopefully easy guide that will show you how to use pretty tooltips on your Wicket pages.
Step 1: Download SweetTitles
Download SweetTitles
Step 2: Replace sweetTitles.js
Replace sweetTitles.js with this one:
/* Sweet Titles (c) Creative Commons 2005 Author: Dustin Diaz | Edited by Johannes Fahrenkrug. The script now honors the showtooltip attribute */ var sweetTitles = { xCord : 0, // @Number: x pixel value of current cursor position yCord : 0, // @Number: y pixel value of current cursor position tipElements : ['input', 'td', 'tr', 'textarea', 'select', 'span', 'div', 'a','abbr','acronym'], // @Array: Allowable elements that can have the toolTip obj : Object, // @Element: That of which you're hovering over tip : Object, // @Element: The actual toolTip itself active : 0, // @Number: 0: Not Active || 1: Active init : function() { if ( !document.getElementById || !document.createElement || !document.getElementsByTagName ) { return; } var i,j; this.tip = document.createElement('div'); = 'toolTip'; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(this.tip); = '0'; = 'hidden'; var tipLen = this.tipElements.length; for ( i=0; i<tipLen; i++ ) { var current = document.getElementsByTagName(this.tipElements[i]); var curLen = current.length; for ( j=0; j<curLen; j++ ) { if (current[j].getAttribute('showtooltip') == 'true') { addEvent(current[j],'mouseover',this.tipOver); addEvent(current[j],'mouseout',this.tipOut); current[j].setAttribute('tip',current[j].title); current[j].removeAttribute('title'); } } } }, updateXY : function(e) { if ( document.captureEvents ) { sweetTitles.xCord = e.pageX; sweetTitles.yCord = e.pageY; } else if ( window.event.clientX ) { sweetTitles.xCord = window.event.clientX+document.documentElement.scrollLeft; sweetTitles.yCord = window.event.clientY+document.documentElement.scrollTop; } }, tipOut: function() { if ( window.tID ) { clearTimeout(tID); } if ( window.opacityID ) { clearTimeout(opacityID); } = 'hidden'; }, checkNode : function() { var trueObj = this.obj; if ( this.tipElements.inArray(trueObj.nodeName.toLowerCase()) ) { return trueObj; } else { return trueObj.parentNode; } }, tipOver : function(e) { sweetTitles.obj = this; tID = window.setTimeout("sweetTitles.tipShow()",200); sweetTitles.updateXY(e); }, tipShow : function() { var scrX = Number(this.xCord); var scrY = Number(this.yCord); var tp = parseInt(scrY+15); var lt = parseInt(scrX+10); var anch = this.checkNode(); var addy = ''; var access = ''; if ( anch.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'a' ) { addy = (anch.href.length > 25 ? anch.href.toString().substring(0,25)+"..." : anch.href); var access = ( anch.accessKey ? ' <span>['+anch.accessKey+']</span> ' : '' ); } else if (anch.firstChild){ addy = anch.firstChild.nodeValue; } else { addy = ''; } this.tip.innerHTML = "<p>"+anch.getAttribute('tip')+"<em>"+access+addy+"</em></p>"; if ( parseInt(document.documentElement.clientWidth+document.documentElement.scrollLeft) < parseInt(this.tip.offsetWidth+lt) ) { = parseInt(lt-(this.tip.offsetWidth+10))+'px'; } else { = lt+'px'; } if ( parseInt(document.documentElement.clientHeight+document.documentElement.scrollTop) < parseInt(this.tip.offsetHeight+tp) ) { = parseInt(tp-(this.tip.offsetHeight+10))+'px'; } else { = tp+'px'; } = 'visible'; = '.1'; this.tipFade(10); }, tipFade: function(opac) { var passed = parseInt(opac); var newOpac = parseInt(passed+10); if ( newOpac < 80 ) { = '.'+newOpac; = "alpha(opacity:"+newOpac+")"; opacityID = window.setTimeout("sweetTitles.tipFade('"+newOpac+"')",20); } else { = '.80'; = "alpha(opacity:80)"; } } }; function pageLoader() { sweetTitles.init(); } addEvent(window,'load',pageLoader);
Step 3: Edit supported tags
At the moment the replacement sweetTitles.js should be able to add tooltips to the following elements: 'input', 'td', 'tr', 'textarea', 'select', 'span', 'div', 'a','abbr','acronym'. If that's not enough (or too much), edit the "tipElements" array at the top of the file.
Step 4: Add the JavaScript files to your Wicket package
Put the 2 JavaScript files somewhere into your package (ie
Step 5: Add the CSS
Either put the CSS file (sweetTitles.css) into your package as well or add the contents to a CSS file you already use in your application.
Step 6: Add it to your HTML file
Add this to the head section of the html file you want to use tooltips in:
<wicket:head> <wicket:link> <script wicket:id="addEventJs"></script> <script wicket:id="sweetTitlesJs"></script> </wicket:link> </wicket:head>
If you also added the CSS file to your package, your also have to add this to the <wicket:link> section:
<link href="styles/sweetTitles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
Of course you have to customize these examples so they'll work with your package structure.
Step 7: Add the JavaScript resources
Add the JavaScript resources to your page:
add(new JavaScriptReference("addEventJs", new ResourceReference(YourClass.class, "javascript/addEvent.js"))); add(new JavaScriptReference("sweetTitlesJs", new ResourceReference(YourClass.class, "javascript/sweetTitles.js")));
Alternatively, you can just add these 2 lines to your Wicket's Panel or WebPage without touching the HTML i.e. skip Step 6,
// for Wicket 1.4 add(JavascriptPackageResource.getHeaderContribution("javascript/addEvent.js")); add(JavascriptPackageResource.getHeaderContribution("javascript/sweetTitles.js")); // for Wicket 1.3.x add(HeaderContributor.forJavaScript("javascript/addEvent.js")); add(HeaderContributor.forJavaScript("javascript/sweetTitles.js"));
Step 8: Add the tooltip
Add the attribute "showtooltip" to the element that should show a tooltip (only elements with this attibute will show tooltips):
someWicketComponent.add(new AttributeModifier("showtooltip", true, new Model("true")));
Step 9: Add the tooltip text
Either add the tooltip text to the element in the html file, using the "title" attribute:
<input type="checkbox" wicket:id="myCheckbox" title="Hi, I am a tooltip."/>
...or add dynamic tooltip texts using an AttributeModifier:
someWicketComponent.add(new AttributeModifier("title", true, new Model("Hi, I am a dynamic tooltip.")));
Step 9a: Remove element's text from the tip
in the CSS selector div#toolTip p em if you just want to show the text in the Model. Otherwise, the element's text will be appended to the tip.
Step 10: There is no step 10
Well, actually step 10 was to add this to the wiki... But you don't have to do that anymore, obviously
Added by Johannes Fahrenkrug 8 August 2006