The Apache Wicket team is proud to announce the availability of the third maintenance release: Apache Wicket 1.3.3. A lot of bugs have been squashed and several improvements implemented. PLEASE NOTE: We have fixed a bug related to the order of the rendered links in <wicket:head>, which might have influence on how your stylesheets are loaded. See WICKET-1487 for details.
In this announcement:
Eager people click here to download the distribution, others can read further:
We thank you for your patience and support.
The Wicket Team
Apache Wicket
Apache Wicket is a component oriented Java web application framework. With proper mark-up/logic separation, a POJO data model, and a refreshing lack of XML, Apache Wicket makes developing web-apps simple and enjoyable again. Swap the boilerplate, complex debugging and brittle code for powerful, reusable components written with plain Java and HTML.
You can find out more about Apache Wicket on our website:
This release
This release is the second maintenance release for the Wicket 1.3 product. Development for a new version of Wicket will commence soon. This release fixes several bugs and adds some minor improvements. You can find out about the changes at the bottom of this announcement.
Migrating from 1.2
If you are coming from Wicket 1.2, you really want to read our migration guide, found on the wiki:
Downloading the release
You can download the release from the official Apache mirror system, and you can find it through the following link:
For the Maven and Ivy fans out there: update your pom's to the following, and everything will be downloaded automatically:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId> <artifactId>wicket</artifactId> <version>1.3.3</version> </dependency>
Substitute the artifact ID with the projects of your liking to get the other projects.
Please note that we don't prescribe a Logging implementation for SLF4J. You need to specify yourself which one you prefer. Read more about SLF4J here:
Validating the release
The release has been signed by Frank Bille, your release manager for today. The public key can be found in the KEYS file in the download area. Download the KEYS file only from the Apache website.
Instructions on how to validate the release can be found here:
Reporting bugs
In case you do encounter a bug, we would appreciate a report in our JIRA:
The distribution
In the distribution you will find a README. The README contains instructions on how to build from source yourself. You also find a CHANEGELOG-1.3 which contains a list of all things that have been fixed, added and/or removed since Wicket 1.3.0.
Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.3.3
- WICKET-310 - AutoCompleteTextField does not invoke post call handlers
- WICKET-860 - GoAndClearFilter doesn't reset filter form fields
- WICKET-932 - BaseWicketTester support for SubmitLink
- WICKET-1105 - Missing javascript header referencies when there are no body or head tags.
- WICKET-1265 - Close ModalWindow in IE with scrollbars scrolls to bottom
- WICKET-1268 - Form inside VelocityPanel throws WicketRuntimeException: Unable to find the markup for the component.
- WICKET-1280 - Autocomplete onchange event gets fired twice when selecting with mouse click
- WICKET-1329 - AutoCompleteTextField's suggestion list disappeared when it is used inside a ModalWindow
- WICKET-1332 - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior just updates the group "grandchildren"
- WICKET-1350 - AutoCompleteTextField's scrollable suggestion list disappeared when a mouse pointing to the scroll bar in IE6/7
- WICKET-1372 - Input field with autocomplete behavior does not submit the form via enter key in some cases
- WICKET-1391 - <wicket:enclosure> bug: setObject(null) called for excplicitly invisible fields in a non-visible enclosure
- WICKET-1408 - ComponentFeedbackMessageFilter should use equals() method to determine equality
- WICKET-1411 - FormTester doesn't initialise values for RadioGroups
- WICKET-1414 - findSubmittingButton will fail when button without form is added before form
- WICKET-1415 - BundleStringResourceLoader throws NPE if component is null
- WICKET-1416 - WIcket Filter ignoring query parameters on redirect
- WICKET-1417 - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior does not iterate over immediate children
- WICKET-1423 - AuthenticatedWebApplication uses deprecated constructor of AuthenticatedWebSession
- WICKET-1430 - Form processing throws NPE if button.onsubmit() moves the button or its parents out of the component hierarchy
- WICKET-1433 - MarkupCache NPEs when null (never cache) cacheKey is returned from IMarkupCacheKeyProvider
- WICKET-1434 - WicketTester.startPage(Class) does not trigger WebRequestCycle.onBeginRequest
- WICKET-1435 - WicketTester.clickLink(String) only triggers the WebRequestCycle.onEndRequest
- WICKET-1438 - detach behavior
- WICKET-1440 - AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior doesn't work when added directly to page
- WICKET-1442 - nested forms inside a multipart form can't be submitted via ajax
- WICKET-1444 - AbstractDecimalConverter has a numberFormats fields that holds NumberFormats, But those are not thread save...
- WICKET-1445 - StreamCorruptedException/PageStore/Serialization broken because ObjectOutputStream was not flushed
- WICKET-1446 - Lazy registration in SharedResourceRequestTarget fails
- WICKET-1452 - Error in javadoc class description in MySignInPage
- WICKET-1454 - Enter in AutoCompleteTextField with AjaxFormSubmitBehavior on change-event submits form multiple times
- WICKET-1455 - Session. requestDetached() does not replicate dirty pages to session in some situations, breaking application clustering
- WICKET-1457 - modalwindow with panel doesn't resize properly on IE
- WICKET-1458 - Changing tag name and expanding open-close to open-body-close prints old tag name
- WICKET-1462 - Problem with ajax form submission inside model window in IE and Safari
- WICKET-1467 - StringResourceModel should implement IComponentAssignedModel
- WICKET-1470 - DiskPageStore may cause memory leaks when the files can't be written
- WICKET-1487 - Bug in order of rendered links within <wicket:head>
- WICKET-1288 - Make Cookie-Detection possible without JavaScript
- WICKET-1338 - enclosures on nested components within wicket:extends
- WICKET-1351 - AutoCompleteTextField's scrollable suggestion list can be better if it can be scrolled using KEY_UP and KEY_DOWN
- WICKET-1406 - CheckGroupSelector should implement ILabelProvider
- WICKET-1410 - WicketTester and temporary sessions
- WICKET-1420 - Allow to change charset in StringRequestTarget
- WICKET-1421 - DecimalConverter with grouping disabled needed
- WICKET-1422 - request to make RadioChoice getPrefix() and getSuffix() non-final
- WICKET-1461 - Javadoc error with parent in constructor style
- WICKET-1464 - Stop dumping stack trace in PropertyResolver when a field or set method is not found
- WICKET-1465 - AjaxRequestTarget shouldn't throw exception when component is already removed from page (but log warning)
- WICKET-1472 - JavaDoc enhancements in FileUpload API
New Feature
- WICKET-1428 - AutoLinkResolver and Parent-Relative (../) Links