
Archiva runs at:

Archiva is installed in /opt/apache-archiva-1.3. It is run using the Java Service Wrapper, and is started by the system init scripts.

Archiva's data and configuration is stored in /home/continuum/services/archiva:

Currently it is run as a standalone server to best isolate it from the Continuum instance.

Note: The users database is currently seperate from Continuum's due to being in an embedded Derby database that can't be shared across JVMs.

Managing Archiva

Starting/Stopping Archiva

Always run Archiva using these scripts to ensure the proper user and configuration is in place. Do not run Archiva as root!

To stop Archiva:

sudo /etc/init.d/archiva stop

To start Archiva:

sudo /etc/init.d/archiva start

You can also use sudo /etc/init.d/archiva restart and sudo /etc/init.d/archiva status

Archiva is to be run under the continuum user account only.

System Startup

Archiva is started/stopped via the following links to /etc/init.d/archiva:

  • /etc/rc3.d/S99archiva
  • /etc/rc0.d/K99archiva

Archiva Log Files

You can review these in /home/continuum/services/archiva/logs

Upgrading Archiva

Note: depending on the upgrade path, you may need to upgrade the Archiva database. Please check the Archiva release notes.

Currently the steps are:

  • unpack the new installation into /opt
  • stop the server
  • edit /etc/init.d/archiva to the new installation location
  • start the server
  • No labels