Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Ant
  • CVS/Subversion etc, i.e., anything not Git (and maybe Mercurial)
  • Form Editor/GUI Builder/Matisse

New Features and Enhancements


  • New JDK 14 Language Features
    • Records
  • New JDK 13 Language Features
  • New JDK 12 Language Features
    • JEP 325: Switch Expressions (Preview)
  • New JDK 11 Language Features
    • JEP 330: Launch Single-File Source-Code Programs


  • Java EE 8 support, for the first time in 11.1, for Maven-based and Gradle-based Web applications. The new Java EE 8 support provides the ability to create Java EE 8 applications and deploy to a Java EE 8 container, with new "webapp-javaee8" Maven archetype created for use with Apache NetBeans.
  • Support for JSF 2.3; CDI Changes for JSF Artifact Injection.
  • Payara integration out of the box for the first time.
  • Payara Platform 5.194/5.201 support.
  • Payara Server Hot Deploy support.
  • Support for GlassFish 5.0.1.


  • aaa
  • bbb
  • cccOpenJFX Gluon Maven samples are now registered in the New Project dialog.


  • aaa
  • bbb
  • ccc


  • aaa
  • bbb
  • ccc
