
If you want to test Netbeans from lastest source code with Java9, this screenshots tutorial shows step by step how to build Netbeans from source code and test the JShell come from JDK9 with your snippets of code.

All you need is:

  • JDK9 installed on Windows
  • Source code from Github
  • Netbeans 8 installed

Install Netbeans 8 from old page downloads Honestly, you only need apache Ant, Java and Github, but with instalation of Netbeans you get all out of the box.

Install JDK9 from

Clone source code of Development Version of Netbeans

From GitHub to your local folder

You get source code of Netbeans in the incubator area of Apache Software Foundation

Open nbbuild proyect in your Netbeans 8


Right click on build.xml of proyect and run ant build-nozip task

When the taks build successful, the lastest version of Netbeans is ready to run on your Windows. You can run ant tryme and it runs a new Netbeans for you.

But let's go to run it with Java9 and test the new JShell. Go to file etc/netbeans.conf and change the netbeans jdk home

Run Netbeans Windows executable

Double click (be carefull that your antivirus don't block Netbeans)

Verify it runs with JDK9 by default

Play with your JShell !!

If you enjoy using Netbeans and you want to get involved in it, continue reading this page How to Participate


During this week, a major milestone was achieved — we moved the 1st NetBeans code donation from Oracle to Apache Incubator Git, mirrored on GitHub:

The 1st code donation consists of the NetBeans Platform and the Java SE tools (i.e., standard Java, including Swing and JavaFX), which includes tools for JShell and Jigsaw.

The 2nd code donation will consist of the tools for Java EE, PHP, JavaScript, Groovy, C/C++ and more.

See the end of this page for the process and the current state:

Soon we’ll start moving the various mailing lists and the website and so on to Apache as well.

Initially, we’ll only have two mailing lists — one for all users of NetBeans, i.e., and all other user mailing lists:  

And we will have one mailing list for those developing NetBeans itself:

You’re welcome to already move over to the mailing list:

Also be aware of all the NetBeans questions being asked on Twitter, Facebook, and, for example, Stack Overflow:

Responses and questions welcome!