Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

12.0 is primarily a consolidation of the minor releases 11.1, 11.2, and 11.3. There is as little innovation as possible in 12.0 and as much qualitative solidifying of existing features and functionality.

The program through which qualitative consolidation takes place for 12.0 is NetCAT 12.0.

Focus areas of qualitative consolidation

  • Start up experience/Ergonomics/Enablement of features
  • Java – prioritize new Java language features
  • Jakarta EE (including Payara)
  • JavaFX
  • Maven
  • Gradle (no test spec for this yet, since this is a new feature)
  • PHP – focus on the newest PHP language features

In contrast to the above, some examples of areas to deprioritize (and if anyone disagrees, they are very welcome to focus on these areas themselves):

  • Ant
  • CVS/Subversion etc, i.e., anything not Git (and maybe Mercurial)
  • Form Editor/GUI Builder/Matisse

New Features and Enhancements

Being aware of the below is important when reviewing the test specs. Because the below are new, new tasks or updated tasks need to be provided to the related test specs:


  • New JDK 14 Language Features

    • Records

  • New JDK 13 Language Features

    • JEP 355: Switch Expressions (Preview Feature), as shown below, addition needed to Java Syntax Coloring test spec.

    • JEP 355: Text Blocks (Preview Feature), as shown below, addition needed to Java Hints test spec.

  • New JDK 12 Language Features

    • JEP 325: Switch Expressions (Preview) – code completion for JEP-325 preview feature for multiple case labels, as shown below, addition needed to Java Code Completion test spec.

  • New JDK 11 Language Features

    • JEP 330: Launch Single-File Source-Code Programs – a new Java source file can be created in the Favorites window, it can be run, and debugged.

Java EE

  • Java EE 8 support, for the first time since 11.1, for Maven-based and Gradle-based Web applications. The new Java EE 8 support provides the ability to create Java EE 8 applications and deploy to a Java EE 8 container, with new "webapp-javaee8" Maven archetype created for use with Apache NetBeans.
  • Support for JSF 2.3; CDI Changes for JSF Artifact Injection (introduced in 11.3).
  • Payara integration out of the box for the first time.
  • Payara Platform 5.194/5.201 support.
  • Payara Server Hot Deploy support.
  • Support for GlassFish 5.0.1.


  • OpenJFX Gluon Maven samples are now registered in the New Project dialog.


  • Enabling Java preview features in a Maven project.

  • Default JDK for Maven projects.

  • ccc


  • Enabling Java preview features in a Gradke project.

    tasks.withType(JavaCompile).each {
  • bbb

  • ccc


  • aaa
  • bbb
  • ccc